Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Rabbit Rabbit!

Well I said that I thought I might update my blog while I was on vacation but yeah I made a huge effort to "unplug" and stay far away from computers. I did however on one day install the vpn client and remote desktop connection client on my friends win 98 machine and then connected to my computer in the office over dial up just to see if I could do it. Yeah I know im a Geek. But that was like all I did with a computer so im pretty happy about that. All in all it was a really odd vacation. Dont get me wrong Lisa and I had a lot of fun and we played a lot of xbox (which kinda makes the vacation diff.) But it was more where we were. We went to this little town in Alabama that appearantly has not been told its not the early 60's anymore. And now I dont mean Jimi was blaring from the street corners and that free love was everywhere. I mean that racisim was super alive and well in this little town. Also they were majorly stuck in the past. It was a total shock to see a town so wrapped up in their old ways. Anyway it just re-affirmed to lisa and I that we never ever want to live in a small little town. (shudder at the thought) Anyway we got back on Friday and lots of stuff has already happened. Most days I just want to crawl under a rock, anyway like I said lots happened. I found out some bad news from my mom and dad and that will be affecting some plans of mine in the next few weeks. Also we found out that a missionary family our church supports was still with out housing in the day / cin area so we are going to let them use our house for two months starting in April. Which means we are moving back in with Grampa and the gang. Should be interesting. Other than that I am dying to work out. I need to work out so badly. Maybe I will use my blog to help keep track of when I work out. Could be good motivation. Well I gotta do some work today. Later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, thanks to Bush being in office for another four years I wouldn't count on any more progress for said town. Gotta love those Neo-cons!