Wednesday, March 23, 2005

So I was driving in to work today and......

I got Lance in my pants! Posted by Hello

Ok seriously I was driving to work this morning when I noticed a delivery truck for the Lance brand cracker compnany and in really freakin huge letters on the back of the truck it said "I got Lance in my pants." I almost died laughing -- I cant believe the add campaingns that make it through in this country. My mind is still spinning with all the oh so wrong combacks to that phrase. ^_^

Huge game update. Last night I did it. I finished Final Fantasy VII SO here is my post game wrap up.


Ok I will go on more than that. I still cant believe the depth of story of that game. Sure the in game graphics suck compared to anything on the current gen of consoles but c'mon its last gen thats no surprise. However the cg cut scenes were better than anything I have seen on xbox or that I can remember seeing. And the ending oh my gosh the ending. You know I was getting worried on monday b/c I knew I was nearing the end and I had not yet touched disc 3. Well Disc three is where they store the ending. It had to be roughly a 5 min cg cut scene that looked better than any of the other cut scenes in the game. WOW an actual ending. Thats one thing Im getting sick of and that is games not really having an ending. I guess everyone is trying to keep things open to sequels but its like you know if you invest a chunk of time into something you would like to see it have some kind of resolution. Im going to recap some of the better games I have played and contrast their endings.

Baldurs gate & baldurs gate II -- both endings sucked. They were like 15 sec Cut scenes that accomplished nothing but setting up for another game and making you feel like you wasted your time for playing in he first place

D&D heroes -- Same as above except you felt like you maybe accomplished something. but again a 15 sec ending.

Fable -- What were they thinking???? I hated the story board art type thing they used instead of cut scenes. C'mon give us something more!

Sudeki -- It was ok I guess. I think it was just a cut scene panning around the world and showing that the world was saved and people were happy. Again less than 30 seconds I do believe

Other games

Halo & Halo 2 -- known for having possibly the worst endings ever. C'mon a 15 second cut scene of master chief on the arc approaching earth?

I will stop now but my point is if people want us to pay money and invest time in a game we need to feel that it ended and ended well thats all.

SO know I have a big decision to make. Which game to start next

FF 8
FF 9
Chrono Cross
Robotech Battlecry
Metal Arms Glitch in the system
Fatal Frame II

All good choices.


Ruki said...

Chris -- Oh man is battlecry hard. I am still stuck on the second mission of the first chapter. >_< Ouch. Anyway their are some wicked cheat codes that I will e-mail you. I like games hard but not that hard. And I will give you a better idea of what fatal frame is in that e-mail as well.

Tyrantmizer -- Metal arms is a kick butt time! I think I will give it a go again maybe tonight. To bad I lost hozed and screwed a long time ago. they were good buddies

Anonymous said...

If you like FF7 then you will most definitely love FF Tactics... it came out around the same time. It's got an amazing story line and the characters are really well done and the battles are really fun. You can even pull Cloud in from a different dimension and play using his character... fun stuff! Check it out!