Thursday, March 24, 2005

Happy Easter!

Well its easter weekend which means I get friday off!!!! and I dont have to teach my class tonight so its like a really good break for me. Also the timing couldnt be better since the final stages of the move are going to be happening over the course of this weekend. AAAAAANNNNDDD Lisa is taking friday off as well so I am going to have three whole days with my sweetie! sigh pure bliss. ^_^ Anyway hey anyone who is doing the whole Dual Income no kids thing understands where I am coming from and will appreciate the joy in an extra day with your sweetie. SO Hopefully the break will not be all work (boo hisss on work) and we will be able to do something fun like catch a movie or something like that. SO everyone have a great easter!

Game update:

Last night we beat Parasite Eve 1. It was by no means the greatest game ever made and did not have the depth of say a Final Fantasy but it was still pretty good and it is really cool to see the difference a year can make in game development from FF7 to Parasite Eve. Anyway in general I thought the game was pretty fun. I really like the combat system and a limited inventory forces you to mange the items you have wisely. My only complaint comes in the form of something that I had, in the back of my mind, been wanting. Which is a game that actually made you do something in a certain amount of time or else consequences. And Im not talking about putting a timer up on screen so you know how much time you have. I mean you trigger event A something bad is happening and you need to get out like now. Otherwise certain death. Well yeah be carefull what you ask for. Their are two of these such scenarios in the game but unfortunatly they come at the end of rather large and major boss fights. This does not have to be bad and could have been good except for Square only gives you enough time to do the right thing and do it flawlessly. If you mess up at all you are not going to make it out and some event is then triggered that shows why you just died. Heres the bad part -- you then are forced to repeat a long and drawn out battle only to be left wondering what did I do wrong. On the first of the two occurances we tried I think 4x's before getting out and the last one was 3x's and on the third I asked lisa to look at the guide we had b/c I was not going to repeat the 10-15 minute battle a fourth time. But all in all it was a good game. Total time for main quest around 12 hours and their is a bonus fight at the chrysler building I think that I can attempt. SO I will do that as well.

Well I hope to update soon on what new game takes a hold of my time. Someone suggested tactics. However my list was comprised of games I currently have and have not played yet and while I have heard lots of things about tactics it frankly scares me. I hear it is near impossible and I just dont know if thats something I want to start on just yet. Right now im leaning towards Robotech or Metal arms only b/c they will be shorter but FF8 and chrono cross are dueling it out in my mind as we speak.

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