Thursday, March 17, 2005

What, you mean it has to be plugged in???

Ok it ceases to amaze me how many times a year I am confronted with the same scenario.

caller: my computer cant get to the internet
me: have you tried x, y, z???

Caller: yes I have tried all of that
me: Ok I hate to ask you a stupid question but is your network cable plugged in?

Caller: of course it is!
me: Well I really cant think of much else would you mind checking for me?

Caller: Well I'm sure its plugged in!
me: Well sometimes people trip on cables or custodians unplug stuff so if you wouldnt mind...

Caller: FINE!
me: ......

Caller: (usually laughing now) I dont know how that got unplugged.
Me: Ok thanks for calling bye bye

You know it just blows me away how people will call for help and then cop attitude when you ask them to do or check something. Like ok if you know so much dont call me..oh wait you dont know anything so you did.

On a side note I have called into SBC (local telco) so many times that the operators are starting to know me by my voice and call me by first name. My life is getting scarrier everyday.

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