Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The world is full of stupid people...

Well I got the pistol so I'll keep the peso's...

Sounds about right to me. Anyway I have to be vague b/c I cant bad mouth people or companies by name for obvious reasons. But heres a little thing that happened today. School A calls up a week ago complaining that the internet is slow. SO I offer to put some monitoring equipment on their network. They say to work out the details with vendor B since they handle all of their network. SO im like fine. I dont particularly care for vendor B but hey this is life right. SO I go and play nice and all the like. Well yesterday and today I start checking the equipment I put on their site and WOW I find something. In fact I find a big something. Something that is sucking up all of their bandwith all the time. SO I call them up and talk to Vendor B and they go oh yeah we know about that. Im like ya do? He then goes on to tell me that they replicate 3 servers across the internet back to their main office. Im like ok. and he goes on to say that every 5 minutes a server in his office checks the servers their for changes and replicates accordingly. However if their is a database change the entire database needs to be replicated which could be several gigs. I just about fell out my chair. Vendor B is notorius for treating everything like a Local Area Network. SO I said oh well theirs the problem have fun with it.

I guess it just ceases to amaze me that their are so many I.T. Companies out there that dont do things the correct way. Or even muck things up to the point that they hurt other things. Yet people keep going back. Its like an abusive relationship in my mind. Oh well guess I just have one more reason to dislike them.

Game update:

Fatal Frame: Finished the second night and wow what a battle that was. One of the joys of playing in nightmare mode is having to fight flawlessly in boss fights b/c if a ghost merely touches you -- you die. SO after about 15 attempts I made it through to the third night. This game is crazy hard and Is the best designed combat to really make you feel helpless. I think the dynamic of having to look through the viewfinder of an old camera takes the whole FPS to a new level. My complaint with FPS's is the lack of peripheral vision and awareness of the environment around you. However all that changes if you were to look through a viewfinder. The combat is just so intense. I cant wait to finish this and start on Fatal Frame II crimson butterfly. It is supposed to be like the spookiest game evuh

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