Wednesday, March 02, 2005

"Fluke" not just a catchy name

Well with my job one of the things I get to do is evaluate new equipment for possible purchase. SO I love the company Fluke -- I think they make awesome equipment that like no one else in my industry even comes close to touching. SO I asked for a demo of something that I want to buy and well the price tag on it is 30k so its super pricey so of course I am uber carefull with this thing when it arrives. Well its basically a self contained network discovery tool and analyzer that has full copper, fiber, and wireless capabilities. SO of course im in heaven with this thing on the first day and then on the second day yeah the screen stopped working at all. D'OH! I had a meeting with the rep today and he could not believe it. Said he had never ever seen one do that in the 6 years they have been making them. I wanted so bad to say "so what your telling me is this hardware failure is a fluke?" But I resisted. ^_^ Just thought it was funny. Oh and I did work out today! hopefully I can get back in the habit of going during lunch. That would be good.

Oh and just in case you want to see what it is I was playing with go Here . It is absolutely disgusting what this thing can do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do know that a fluke is also a parasitic worm, right?