Tuesday, March 15, 2005

LAN party

Because sometimes Death can be cute... Posted by Hello

Well as promised here is a little weekend update.

Friday night I went to my second ever halo / LAN party. It was a lot of fun and I think the fact that it was also a birthday party (so their was lots of soda, snacks, and pizza) made it better than your average Halo / LAN party.

Lets give a moment of silence to Pizza...YUM!

Anyway Got to the party and brought some controllers and my network stuff, a mini hub and four 25' patch cables. All of which turned out to be very usefull as their was a lack of cables and only one hub that was deemed "iffy" SO go me for supplying the net. SO their were going to be 16 people spread out over 4 xboxes which is the max that you can have and I have to say I think that makes it a lot more fun. Although its really crazy b/c people are dying all around you and basically you respawn and either kill someone or are killed instantly. SO that was the night. The average time alive for everyone in each game was 1-1.5 min at a time. SO very fast and frantically paced games.

Now on to how I did.
Well I was not #1 but I was far last place as well. In general I was very much in the middle and I was fine with that. I have hardly played halo 2 at all. I played the campaingn back in December I think and had never played multiplayer. I think I would have done much better if we had played some of the same maps more though. Their was one map that was a favorite and by like the 4th time of playing it I actually started to know where I was and where the good equipment was. That time through I was in the top 5 for kills and I got some medals as well!! Other than that my big accomplishment was a match of capture the flag where I was trailing a teammate giving them cover when they were sniped and I grabbed the flag and made it to our base to score for our team. SO whoo hoo and WOOT WOOT!

Oh and yes I had fun with my tag and my color. I named myself Master Kitty after a piece of art I will try to post in this page. I chose pink as my color and a big pill as my shoulder emblem

It was a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOOT WOOT, indeed.