Monday, March 07, 2005

Quick update

Well the last week or so has been extremely draining on me both emotionally and physically. the physical side im used to because thats just normal everyday crap like work and life. But the Emotional is like the tip of the iceberg or in my case the sherman tank that broke the camels back. SO in short im wiped and cant say that I care about much at all anymore. On top of that this week looks to be just as busy and will probably not let up at all in terms of stress. Yeah for being grown up! Anyway i find myself more and more wishing that I lived in florida again. I miss the warm weather and the beach. I had some good friends their and I liked working at Embry Riddle. And their was a job opening in the net side of the IT department and I was told I could be considered if I was willing to make a time commitement of like 3-5 years. But I didnt. I moved to Ohio. and now its warm today (warm in relative terms 50-55f) but tommorow snow and lows in the in the 20's. yuck im so sick of all this.

On a more positive note im hoping to get some pics up on this blog to make it more exciting and not so texty so look in the upcoming weeks for that. I already have some fun ideas. WOW FUN!


Anonymous said...

hi, chris. sounds like you've been so busy these days. i understand that you've been stressed out.
and, it's been snowing and still chilly here, too. i wish i walked around a beautiful island... like Hawaii or somewhere.
p.s. i'm still working on making new pages to link to your site, just a moment.

Ruki said...

Hey Momo -- You hit the nail on the head when you said Hawaii or some island. WOW thats where I want to be right now. Who knows maybe one of these days lisa and I can meet you and jason in hawaii for a vacation or something like that.