Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What a weekend.

Ok the main gist of my rant I mean blog today is going to be about the weather and why I cant stand it. As I have said other places I like in south west ohio. And yeah the weather here is a wee bit cheeky.

1. last week on wed and thursday it was so warm and sunny that It actually put me in a good mood (i know what your thinking and yes I was in a very good mood)

2. On Sat Lisa, Sue, Sara and me went to this outlet mall and well the temps were now in the 30's and it was snowing quite heavily. Oh and did I mention this was along side a 20-30 mph gusting wind. SO the weather on Sat was really quite dreadfull

3. Sunday it was still cold but started to warm up again and finaly yesterday was in the high 60's and required top down driving.

Now to my main complaint. Because of this screwy weather I am now getting a sinus / head cold just b/c the weather cant make up its mind. Its just nuts that one day its snowing like a blizzard and two days later Sara lays out in the sun.

I feel like im living in Bizzaro world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, feel like I'm living in Bizarro world. But it could be worse - it could be raining.