Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Weekend wrap up

Warning this will more than likely be a really long post. You have been warned!

Well its tuesday and I am back in Ohio (sigh) My weekend consistantly went from bad to worse so I will start with Friday. Plug wires did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for my car. Well it felt a little better but still totally sucky and shaky seriously its like I was driving in my own personal earthquake. SO I decided to try to get new plugs and put them in myself. Well I could get one in and although I really enjoyed burning the crap out of my hands to get that one in the other 3 were impossible for me with the tools I had. SO back to midas to have them install my plugs. I drop off the car and tell them I will be back in the morning to pick it up and that I plan to drive it to MI that day. They are all like cool we will drive it and tell you what we think. SO I get back from dinner and I have a message on my phone, and yeah its not what you want to hear from your mechanic but it went a little something like this

"Dude we drove your car and we cant believe we didnt notice this before its so obvious -- your front axels about to blow"

SO yeah I just went by on sat mornign and was expecting a quote in the 1k-1500 range but was surprised to be told it would only be $180. Are you guys noticing how skewed my reality is with this car. Oh wow only $180! Thats great! Thats what I was thinking. SO at this point I still dont believe it will be fixed but I pick it up today so we shall see. SO this left us with a problem since we were supposed to be picking up my new part for my motorcycle and their is not enough room in the miata for lisa, me, weekend gear and a big box. SO Sue was really nice and offered the kia for the weekend which we took and which ran smashingly well. Thanks so much Sue! SO I will run down real quick why my weekend sucked.

# of parts brought home for motorcycle = 0 (my bro ordered the wrong color. yellow instead of silver)

# of minutes spent riding 4 wheelers = 5 (yes about 5 and thats rounding up!)

# of minutes spent riding dirtbikes = 0

# of hours spent just hanging with my bro = maybe 2 total

# of hours spend hydroseeding my bros yard = maybe 5 total

# of different ways we didnt keep the sabbath b/c we were with my brother = 3

Yeah so it just really sucked plus I got really sick from something I ate on sunday so I didnt sleep well at all on sunday night. SO it really was not the restfull relaxing weekend we were hoping for and I really didnt get to hang out with my brother at all which is all I really wanted to do. SO yeah it was not a very good weekend.

Now i know the question on everyones mind is what is hydroseeding. Its this incredibly nasty mixture of paper, water, grass seed, and fertilizer that looks and feels like the green slime they used to drop on people on nickelodeons "you cant do that on television" and you basically spray it out of a firehose all over your yard. It sticks to EVERYTHING and is very very nasty. That is how I spent my sunday afternoon. SO that was my weekend, I totally wished we had stayed local and gone to luke, steve, and katelyns graduations. It would have been better. Well thats all for now. Cheers!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Um that was Luke btw. friggin blogger