Friday, May 13, 2005

IT's F-R-I-D-A-Y yes its FRIDAY!

Well terribly hectic week but now it is friday. Its about 7:30am and I feel like Im on mile 25 of a marathon. Just a little bit more and Im at the finish line. SO I got it worked out to bounce out of my job at noon so that is sweet. I have a wee bit o grocery shopping to do and then its back to the house, pick up lisa and jet off to the cabin. Im totally looking forward to this and like I said before I really need this weekend.

Well I had my class last night and well its funny matt hickey came up to me and asked me what went wrong this week (since I say something major goes wrong every thursday) Well I think he thought I would say nothing. But something did happen that I could not discuss. SO that totally made yesterday SUCK. But anyway I had my last "lecture" type class and yeah Im sorry class b/c it was not very good. I was in a totally sucky mood and was very very tired and totally did not care. But I made it through and next week is their final. I have no clue what I am doing for that but I hope its something easy to grade. ^_^

Game update:

PS2 -- I have not touched FFX in like a week and a half -- too busy

Xbox -- Been playing a lot of KOTOR II with lisa. We have like 30 hours logged and are just finishing the second planet. Man this game is long. But thats good! Oh have I mentioned that I absolutly despise the combat system in knights? Yes Bioware if you have stumbled upon this your combat system sucks. ITs total WIC. SO please scrap it entirely and come up with something better. Like I cant imagine how amazing KOTOR would have been had it used the combat engine from jade empire. Imagine fighting in real time with a lightsaber and having force powers mapped to the D-pad. And then they could have mapped health to the white button and stimulants to the black. That would have rocked and been so much more fun. I think what kills me the most is if I get attacked by a bunch of stuff at once and my party as a whole loses a lot of health. Trying to heal during combat is very very cumbersome and someone dies on me almost everytime I get in that situation. SO that is really annoying. Oh and the combat profiles that you set for them are gay and do not work. Example. I had both my characters set to stationary which means once in a fight they should just stay where I put them. Well im fighting with a droid and I look over to see what my other character is doing. Guess what? She aint there. Somehow she targeted something that was TWO freaking rooms away. Opened the doors on her own and went and stood right in front of a very very large gun. With which she proceeded to do nothing about and let it shoot her to death. That is what I call frustration.

Metal Arms continues to just be great fun. I love this game and just love sitting down with it for like 15-30 min and hearing robots scream as they burst into a thousand pieces. I just got the tether gun so im jacking robots as often as I can. Its like halo meets grand theft auto. I love this game and think its one of those "best overlooked game" for xbox. SO if you still dont believe me I have a demo of it that I will lend you that is one of the best demos out there in terms of lenght and getting a feel for the game.

Well I have work to do but soon I will be gone!!!! Have a great weekend everybody


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