Monday, October 03, 2005


Ok first off let me say that this is not the first time I have written a post about this same very topic. SO if there is some overlap oh please will ya forgive me. On the off chance that you wont I have included a pic that will help make things seem fresh and new. ooooohhhhh aaaaahhhhhh
Ok scrub that b/c it wont load my pic. grrr. Anyway It was a very smashingly well done Demotivator poster entitled Overconfidence. And the basic gist is dont take on the world if losing means the worlds gonna crush ya. SO what am I speaking of hmm Oh I dont know could it be Porn. Yes the ugly p word rears its even uglier head yeat again. This morning I got a call that a school was suspicious of an employee and would not give me anything to search on besides and address of a local machine. I assumed porn was a concern as 9 times out of 10 when I get requests like this its porn Oh and if you are wondering the 1 out of 10 was a guy who wanted to know if his people were going to E-Bay. Talk about micro-mgt. Anyway so I did the requested grep on the logs and I could have just sent them on their merry way but they are rather cryptic so I thought I would do some key word searching and see if I could find something. SO whats the first word I try "sex" WOW i gotta hit! then another and another and before too long I think I may have helped sink someones battle ship. Whats amazing isnt that I found the word sex its how incriminating web logs can be. for instance when I did a search for sex I didnt think I would find keyword searches on the internet movie database for lesbian + anal sex. SO I still dont know if this is a dude or a dudette but I did find a lot of searches like the above one through the imdb adult section. SO long story short while this model employee is supposed to be working they were truly in fact trying to find their next skin flick to go rent. SO this comes back to overconfidence and a statement I made a few months ago, that being: If you doing something your not supposed to be doing and your using a computer to do it you will be caught.

Below are my new insights on the matter

1. the Internet is not the free utopia everyone thinks it is, everything and I mean everything leaves a trace no matter what.

2. someone is watching or can watch if asked to.

3. If you want to search for porno flicks or look at porno for the love of pete man go home and do it. If you dont feel like you can look at porn at home then well maybe you shouldnt be looking at porn but if you can then dude for the love do it there. I mean if you cant go 8 hours without looking at porn then the porn is the least of your problems and you got some serious addict action going on.

SO lets sum up and since a recent mathmatically related post of a friend of mine got so much attention of late I will make this into an equation

porn + work = bad stuffs

porn + family = bad stuffs

work + family = good stuffs

so there in this case I fear that from my investigation the individuals results may be something like this

porn + work = -job

and if the family finds out its something like this

port + work + family = -( work + family)

SO again to all the stupid peoples out there who think their computer is the black hole of space and time its not!



Anonymous said...

Seems like someone I know would have done well to heed your advice.

Anonymous said...

Funny, i thought this was a thinly disguised statement directed squarely in that direction :-). It sure read that way to me as i was going through it.

Chris, what if i want to search for porn but i work at home? My home computer *is* my work computer. It's a conflict that isn't accounted for in your model, which assumes home and work to be separate locations.

Good thing i already have all the porn i want and don't need to search for any, i suppose.


Side note: please see comments on Jason' and my blogs regarding his impending visit. You already know where i live. Please use that information freely while they are in town. Don't wait for a formal invitation at a specific time. My house will be generally off limits to other than immediate family during this interval, but ... in some bizarre modern definition of family... you ARE included in that set.

Payton said...

Something like this (but no porn) happened to me in 1998. I was working as an IT marketer at an indian firm and I was the only marketer they had (really small firm). To top it off, my office was windowless and I couldn't see the weather condition all day.

So, every now and then I would go online and check the Weather Chennel's site for the latest weather update. I wouldn't check that often but and the majority of the time, I would check on my lunch break. One day I got a call from the owner telling me that it was against company policy to surf the web for personal use. That ticked me off but what could I do.

Several months later, I discovered that their IT employees were on the same computer I used and were visiting a ton of porn sites and nothing was said. Hmmm. I'm glad I left that place.

Anonymous said...

Comment to Radar: YOu could always do what someone I know did; make sure there is more than
one computer in your home office, and insist that one machine is strictly for "work." This way, you can yell at people if they want to use that computer. I suppose people's opinions differ on what "work" is, unless they take into account such phrases as, "Ooh! Work it baby, work it!"

Anonymous said...

Well, I see that you are now getting your blog spammed!

Anonymous said...

Hi, i stumbled across your site and found it somewhat boring. therefore...


Anonymous said...

Okay so just as a reply to your question, the reason I know I'll have about a 1 in three chance is that they display the number of codes entered in each ten minute drawing. You can constantly check these to see how many are entered. And the average number entered is roughly 1000 on a weekday. It gets a lot higher during certain time like friday nights etc... but if I were to enter 500 on a weekday ten minute period with only about a thousand entered.... yeah you get the picture.