Thursday, October 13, 2005

I feel old

Yeah I feel old. I played football with the youngins of my church on thursday and I hate to admit it but im still sore from it. It is amazing how the older you get even if you stay active the less flexible you are and the longer it takes to recover from stuff. I feel im in pretty good shape and despite the fact that I think I would have made a better water boy than running back I still managed to hold my own and keep up with and even out run a few people during the game. SO I dont feel old in that respect I just feel old that Im still sore b/c Im not used to the type of running you get from playing sports like football or soccer. Oh well I just need to keep doing stuff like this so that I dont get sore again! But Im actually pretty excited b/c its fall like weather which is great for doing stuff outside and im actually doing stuff outside!!! Climbing this week and football and it looks like climbing next week and maybe football as well. SO my heart leaps with joy! And im really looking forward to climbing next week as it should be a little warmer and a little dryer and I think im goign to turn up the intensity a little bit and get a little more gutsy and try some BIG moves. Maybe some dynos (jumps) and what not. SO im stoked. Its a great time of year!


Oh to comment on steves comment about finishing a game yeah I know some games I just cant bring myself to finish and others I dont think I ever will but somehow I pick it up a year or so later and finish it. Dr. Muto for xbox is one such game I dont think I will ever play again and I should really trade in. I thought that was the case for Ty the tasmanian tiger but I did manage to finish it like 2 years after I started. I really do need to go through my games and get rid of some stuff that I doubt I will ever play again although the last time I did that I really regretted it so now i just hold on to everything.

SO since I have not done this in awhile I will give a brief game update

First off let me say I am playing a lot of different games right now which is pretty cool!

-- .hack -- which I have already talked about in some detail. SO far the game is to me very repetitive and the story is really lacking.
-- Wallace and Gromit Project zoo -- so far so good. It can be a bear to control and like I said earlier the camera is totally wonky!

-- FFIX -- This game is really growing on me and Im really enjoying it. It starts out really cutesy but I have to say despite the way the characters look they are all in some sort of deep struggle with who they are and where they are. It just leads to a very interesting party dynamic and makes the story and game more fun to me. If only .hack had character development like this I might care about at least one of the characters
-- Silent Hill 1 -- Ok we finished this one a while ago but you know what that means??? Alternate ending time!!! SO far we have gotten the good, bad, and bad+ endings and we still need to get the good+ ending and we might shoot for the ufo ending but that requires and entire run through of the game from start to finish and I dont know if I care that much.

-- Fatal Frame 2 -- Ok last week I finally broke this out of the shrink wrap and put it in the ol xbox and I have to say so far its really good. Very creepy and scary and the story is top notch. also If you have never played fatal frame 1 dont even bother with 2. The combat is soooo much harder in 2 then the first and if you are not used to how to play the game you will get SPANKED! Just as an example in FF1 it was about 3/4's of the way through the game when you started getting encounters with multiple ghosts which allowed you some time to get used to fighting just one before you had to deal with a bunch. Well SO far I dont think I have had any enocounters with just 1 ghost. They have all been multiples and they are all really ticked off. SO if you think it looks cool buy #1 play it, beat it, practice and then get 2. Just my suggestion.



Anonymous said...

you did real well! plus rock climbing then football is not an easy schedule.

Anonymous said...

Fatal Frame II looks pretty cool with the ghost. I have not played a game like these since I had Photo Electric Football as a kid. And, as a kid playing pee wee football, I remember the soreness well, and you are correct that you have to keep going at it to get in shape, then you're a tough cookie.
Chris, if you want me off your blog I will oblige. Actually I've registered on now and a blog I got off these blogs. I am looking for a job steadily, as Jason suggested I do. Hope I stayed on topic. Actually I feel I had something to do with all of you getting to know each other better via the blogs, e.g. Della. I may start my own blog someday. It has actually (there's that word again {._.})been sort of funny how r. and J. were able to cut me off some of the blogs. I'm not going to the library to get on them either, I'm not the menace he thinks, just enjoying the topics, that's all. And I'm not going to crash the reunion party either, like someone thought. I'm a respectable man, really, and care for people, as I did in the mental health field for 13+ years.