Friday, October 21, 2005

Not much new

Well its about 8:am and I am at work already but to my despair it is still dark outside. I really dislike the winter time waking up in the dark and having it be an hour or 2 before the sun comes out -- If it comes out -- SO whos ready for an Indian Summer??? I know I am. Well this entry is going no where fas so I will do a quick wrap up of how things are going for me.

Work -- I have officially reached the point where I just dont care and dont feel like making an effort will change anything anyways so my motivation level is nill. ^__^ but im happy with that!

Life in general -- Didnt get to take a day off this week to go climbing which sucked b/c tuesday was about as perfect a day as we could have asked for. I have however gotten to ride my motor bike twice this week down to cinci which means extended ride time and that has been nice. The weather is turning more cold here, I think they said it dropped like 20 degrees from tuesday to wed so that sucks. The weather here never seems to know what it wants to do but it sure enjoys drastic changes! Other than that not much else. Oh I played football again this week but my left quad was really knotted up and still is. I actually resorted to a heating pad last night which feels like it has helped a lot. I have also tried my limited knowledge of deep tissue massage on myself which by itself is difficult but on yourself is really hard to succeed in. Other than that im gearing up for lisa's b-day which is the 31st. I have already purchased many good things for her which I could list off here since she never reads my blog but just in case she does check it I will keep it anonymous. One thing that was frustrating was I ordered her something that we will call x. I ordered x in color y. what I got was a. in color b. a. looks nothing in the world like x. SO I had to call and they said oops yeah we have a wrong number in the catalog so our bad. But I still have to mail back the old one so thats kinda stinky. But once thats done I should be done with my shopping for her. SO thats cool. We really need to start our x-mas shopping which we have not even begun yet. I hate waiting till after thanksgiving as most shopping establishments are filled with instant nut jobs as soon as thanksgiving ends. ITs like on thursday the nation collectively says "Dear Lord thank you for all you have done for us" then on friday the nation turns into a bunch of blood thirsty scavengers saying "no its mine I saw it first" SO anyway the only other thing I got going on is a signed up for a 5k this tuesday. Lisa said she might be able to make it which would mean she could try out her new digi cam and take some action shots of me getting my run on. My goal that I am posting here is to come in under 25 minutes. That would put me right around 8 minute mile pace and I would be happy with that. Ideally I would like to break the 20 minute mark but I dont think I can pull 6's just yet.

Gaming update -- Well I have a ton of games to take back to the game store for trade and I have made my pick on what I am going to get with the credit. Xenosaga. IT looks really cool and should be pretty deep. I am really on the fence about DOA ultimate. I dont know why but Im just totally drawn to this game. I have never liked fighters before but soul caliber really turned me on to it and I think the DOA series is a lot cooler than soul caliber. SO I have been thinking about what I would do while all the girls are in Japan and Im kinda thinking DOA tournament at my house. Could be fun. Even more so if none of us really knows how to play! SO just kicking that idea out now. Other than that I have not gotten a chance to play hardly anything this week. I think I am giving up on .hack I just dont care enough anymore about it and would rather play xenosaga or FFX-2.

Well thats all for now -- Oh missions conference this weekend please come as it makes me look bad if nobody shows up and then I will be sad and well thats not good.



Anonymous said...

Yo, not sure what a mission conference is; but, to comment on the rest: yea, hope we don't get that snow like we got last year, way too deep.
And, Happy Birthday to Lisa, Happy Halloween (Dale has a party every year; who the hell is he?), Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, then Happy New Year as well. Wishing you well with peace and joy, gary.

Anonymous said...

I will be with you in spirit at the missions conference, but my body will be at a leadership training session at my own church. I think they scheduled it for that day just to make you look bad. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Let the DOA begin

Anonymous said...

OR.... Splinter Cell 3! Dude you tried it for all of three seconds.. you must play that game. It rocks. Oh and did luke show you what we are getting Jonny for his birthday? lol

Anonymous said...

missions as in missionaries?????

Anonymous said...

dead on arrival

Anonymous said...

Well, definitely not "missions" as in "Mission: Impossible." That would require Tom Cruise, and he's a Scientologist. No PCA conference appearances for him!

Anonymous said...

Splinter Cell 3 is the jam and the jelly. But I also just got Shadow of the Colossus, which looks to rock the sure shot. And, of course, you can never go wrong with the latest Burnout.

Anonymous said...

two missions: what is PCA and what is DOA? Anyone? ...found out from hannah missions is religious, look out for radar!

Ruki said...

ok first up. DOA is a video game for xbox. It stands for Dead or Alive as its a fighting game and at the end of the match you are either dead or alive which determines whether or not you get to move on in the fighting or not. As far as the missions thing goes. A missionary is someone who goes somewhere to share their faith and encourage others of like faith. I am the head of my church's Missions commitee and as such we have an annual "missions conference" To help encourage those in our church to serve and support those that do. Hope this clears up the mystery.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! theres a light up ahead!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Forrest Gump, how about a post describing the 5K run?