Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sunday Sept 4th

Ok so we went to sleep and all that jazz and then in the morning we had selected a PCA church to attend. I would provide the name and url for the church but I dont have much good to say about it and I do not feel that publicly bad press is appropriate so I will say this. It was a very mainstream contemporary church and one of the reasons that I dislike the PCA as a denomination. I really dislike the fact that you have no clue what you are going to get when you step into a church. SO the service went something like this. IT started (however their was no call to worship mind you) and we sang what seemed like a million praise choruses (yuck). Then people got up and said who they knew that was affected by Katrina and we prayed and sang another million or so choruses. Then the pastor gave his "sermonette" and it was pretty weak. then we sang a bit more and at the end we bolted. We had about as much as we could take. On the drive over to our next appointment I told lisa that during the service I had come to a conclusion and I will share it here. I realize I might offend some people but im sorry its how I feel. What I said was this. "The only thing that praise choruses/hymns have taught me is that we as a people are becoming less reformed in our thinking and that our understanding of God and who he is, is increasingly becoming cloudy and watered down." This point became ever so much more clear to me this past sunday when we sang the hymn "And can it be" and I was singing and thinking that this one hymn had more accurate doctrine and theology then the entire service we sat through and it saddened me. SO anyway moving on. Next up Time Share with Eddie! We were told / threatened that we had to do this thing on sunday b/c their were no other times available and that if we didnt we would be penalized monetarily. SO we went. OITS. can you say almost 4 hours later we were finally getting out of it. IT was absolutely awefull I just kept thinking about how the weather was wonderfull outside and we were stuck in Eddie's car driving around Orlando being told how fantastic a deal we would be getting. On a side note he showed us a little town in the middle of orlando called "celebration." Celebration is supposed to be the realization of a dream that good ol Walt Disney had many many years ago. What it is in reality is more of a perverted nightmare I think. SO first up the dream. A place for people who work in the disney parks to be able to live and have all their needs taken care of for them. The Nightmare is that its a super hyper upperclass snot ville with their own hospital, fire/police department, k-12 school and college. Almost everything is mickey themed from the lake which is shapped like mickeys head to the movie theater which also shares similar mickey features. The homes almost all start around 1 million and go up from there and get this. All landscaping and grounds work for all property is provided from the town. why? they want it to all look uniform. SO the whole town has a bit to perfect look to it. Oh but dont turn around b/c then you will see the 8-10' high concrete wall that surrounds the city. SO in general I thought the whole thing was uber creepy. One kewl thing about the town is that they are electric car friendly so many of the vehicles that residents drive around town are electric. And every parking spot has an outlet so you can charge your car. I thought that was pretty cool. Oh and segways are street legal vehicles. That Rocks. However the place still creeps me out. However we did get to see two cool houses. The first was Tiger woods house which was pretty cool and then we saw this house that was an exact replica of the barbie mansion and that was again super creepy. SO we really ran out of the Time share thing and I could go on with more details about it but in all honesty im trying to forget them myself. Ok so then we finally got back to the hotel and we got to spend some time by the pool. We laid out for a bit and then we sat in the shade and continued to read our books and that was absolutly wonderfull. I was reading "I am the cheese" which lisa wanted me to read and she was reading "microcerfs" which I wanted her to read so that was cool. We then got some dinner and decided to go over to this resort hotel that is really awesome down there called Gaylord Palms. Its huge and the whole center area has lots of cool stuff like an indoor aligator preserve and a full size yacht that has been converted into seating for a restaurant. SO we went their and it was the last day of this thing called summerfest so we got to just walk in and watch some really cool shows featuring some very talented gymnasts and then we walked around a bit. Then we left and went back to the hotel and got some sleep.

Well thats it for Day #2

Gaming update -- It has been suggested that I take a break from FF games so I am going to start playing part 1 of .hack while at OEDSA, which I leave for today. SO Luke and Steve there ya go im stepping away from FF for awhile. I hope your happy!

Until tommorow cheers! Oh and yeah I will start posting pics as relevant. Probably tommorow b/c I just got them off the camera last night.


Anonymous said...

Heheh. You said "Gaylord".

Anonymous said...

huzzah. about leaving FF for a while. but .hack? come on....

Anonymous said...

I went to River of Life's website. I couldn't get too much of a feel for the church, but I did find one entry that I found amusing:

"Middle School Youth Group (The Outer Banks) will begin meeting on Monday nights beginning August 15th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
Don’t forget to brings your friends from the ‘hood or school!"

No one in the PCA can actually say "'hood" without eliciting snickers and rolled eyes from those who hear it.