Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sept 7th

Ok the next part of our ongoing series of Chris and Lisa's big adventure! Not to be confused with Pee Wee's big adventure which was just odd. SO away we go

Got up wed. morning to the suprise of good weather! We were both sooo excited that the weather was nice and that we were going to finaly get some time out in the sun. We got our stuff ready and went out by the pool and just chilled for quite awhile. Oh I called for a late check out since we didnt have to be at the boat till about 3:30ish and check out was at 11:00 well they were nice enough to grant me 11:30. they are soo generous at Ramada's arent they ^_^ SO we decided to just get our stuff together and check out and then go lay out and just have clothes to change into before we left. SO thats what we did. Ahh it was sooo nice and sunny and a really nice change from the day before. SO we grabbed a bite to eat at the wonderfully crap tastic in hotel restaurant and were on our way to fun on the high sea!!!! Ok we were both super jazzed about the whole cruise thing and really really looking forward to it so we were pretty excited. I will spare the details of getting to the boat but lets just say nobody has any clue how to give directions in ft lauderdale. But we got there and got processed throug and got on the boat. I do have pics of the boat but dont have them with me today DOH I will try to get them up tommorow. Anyway we did our whole mandatory life boat drill and then we went and had our fun in the sun meeting and discovered that our original plan of just getting off the boat and wondering around till we found a nice patch of beach was not going to work. Appearantly the beaches on the main island of Nassau are almost all private and they are gated entry with guards. SOOOO we were pretty much told that if we wanted to go to the beach we would have to pay for a shore excursion $40/person to go to their private island. I was not real thrilled with this and did not know if I wanted to do it but lisa said lets go for it! and I was like ALRIGHT! LETS DO IT! SO that was act of spontenaity #1 then we were looking at the excursion list and it listed the island with some options and one of them was snorkeling. for an added $20/person. I forget how we even started talking about it but lisa was like what do you think??? and I was like LETS GO FOR IT!!! so that was random act of spontenaity #2. SO we filled out our form and gave it to the activity chick and went back to our room. At this point the Boat had started to dissembark (arf arf) and we went back to our room to unpack. Dinner was going to start being served in about an hour so we got ready and decided to go top side to see the ship and what was going on. This is where things started to go a wee bit downhill. Lisa started to feel a wee bit motion sick despite the fact that she had taken something for motion sickness already. SO we just sat and tried to get her feeling better. SO then we went to dinner and the walk down to the dinning hall was both humurous and sad for me. Mostly sad b/c I could tell lisa was not doing well. slightly funny b/c she was walking as if she was drunk out o her mind. She could barely stand up straight and she kept almost falling down. SO we got to dinner a little late and sat down. Lisa then informed me that she felt as though she was going to lose it now that she was seeing food and what not. SO I told her we could go and she said no you still need to eat. SO when the waiter came over he asked what we wanted and Lisa explained how she was doing and the waiter said he would get her crackers and thats really what she should focus on eating. I felt my time at dinner was very limited so I skipped the appetizer, and salad, and went striaght for the main course. I got me some chickin! Well it came within about 3 min of me asking for it so I think the waiter was also picking up on the fact that we might not be there very long. SO I got my chicken and went to town on that mofo and honestly dont really remember if it was very good or not. I also ate a couple rolls and took one with me. Total time at dinner was probably about 10-15 min. SO then we bailed and I suggested going back top side to see if some fresh air would help. Seemed logical but boy was I wrong. Only made things worse. SO then we walked /stumbled back to our room where my sweet little lady proceeded to toss her cookies overboard metaphorically that is, and looked like she felt absolutely awefull. SO she proceeded to lay down and I told her that I was going to get some of the stronger motion sickness medicine from the ship. I got back and gave it to her and Lisa pretty much passed out. Ok now before I go much further I have to say that I did have a back up plan for our vacation in case lisa got sick and that was a little wonder I like to call a PSone. Yes I brought my PSone as well as a couple of games. We had a TV in our room and within about 5 min I had it all hooked up and running. SO for the rest of the night I played FF 9 while lisa dozed in and out of conciousness. Then around 11:30ish I went to sleep. And that was that day!

Ok I got to give some a mad shout out and super props or eprops for wizzles or whatever you like to give to my funky fly and super fresh home girl Lisa. It is now official that she has gotten her new job. I went to the board meeting with her last night and got to hear them approve her contract and got to meet her boss and what not. I have to say she is getting a pretty sweet hook up right from the git go and im kinda jealous. but its good jealous and im uber happy and proud of her. Heres what they are trying to have ready for her on day 1

Office space
IP phone
cell phone
digi cam - her suggestion and they will buy
palm pilot

then they said if their is anything else you think you need let us know. Give us your wish list!

SO thats just really awesome that they are taking care of her and she is going to have all kinds of neat new tech gizmo's to play with. SO it seems now that if we get high speed at home it will probably be a wireless net so that her laptop will work wherever she wants it too. SO if you see or talk to lisa tell her mad congrats b/c she has really been working her butt off for the last 5 years and I feel like she is really seeing the fruit of that work now. SO I love you sweetie and am very very proud of you! You ROCK!


Anonymous said...

So, to summarize:

Lisa vs. the ocean - thumbs down
Lisa vs. the job market - thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

i had a dream last night (no seriously), that i was riding your bike around your neighborhood...crashed it, and died.

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to having a vote on what you were going to write on that cake before taking it into you office?

Anonymous said...

When my father was in the Air Force and got shipped to Korea, he was sea sick the entire journey. To this day, he steers clear of boats {._.}
Meet Chris and Lisa Jetson, their cats and xpods ...
So, are you coming to the union of Momo and Jason? And Darren and Connie, and Della?