Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sept 6th

Well I have been spending most of my time at work umm "Gasp" working which is why I have been less diligent about posting up more. Also Ive been playing catch-up from the last couple of weeks and ive spent more time reading and posting comments on other blogs then writting my own so hey you all should feel loved! On to the show!

Sept 6th. Was kind of a blah day. We got up and immediately packed up our gear and went to the front desk to inquire if our wonderfull mates next door would be in the room the next night. They were. We complained big time and asked to be switched to a different room. They agreed and we checked into room #3 of our trip. After that we got our stuff together and went to Time Share pitch #2. The weather sucked and the presentation blew. Long story short 2.5 hours later we found out we didnt have to go to it and had been lied to by the Ramada agent. SO that was uber sucky. The weather was still crappy so we decided to go to "the largest outlet mall in the world!!!!" which sounded like a lot of fun. Well it was a really large mall but the whole outlet thing was a bit decieving. It was a regular mall with lots of outlet stores thrown in but whatever. Oh before that we had lunch and what could be for lisa and me the epitome of restaurant perfection. Pizza hut taco bell. Could their be anything sweeter in this world then a place where lisa can order mexican and I can order pizza from the same counter. Sheer bliss. also as we were sitting there a lotus esprit went through the drive through. In a word -- Nice -- SO then we went to the mall and got some stuff. Lisa got some clothes and I got a much needed case for my Ipod and a Paul Van Dyke CD so that we no longer had to rely on the radio for quality tunage. SO after that we went back to the hotel and Kicked around a bit. Got some dinner and just chilled out. SO not a terribly awefull day but not a tremendously great one either.

Game update (yeah I still play games really I do)
My poor xbox has not gotten any love in a long time. I really need to play it. Anyway PS2 has been taking all my time.

Im like 15-16 hours into .hack and I still dont know what I think of it. I dont know if the story will be enough to pull me into getting all 4 games. At this point I would say no. Its just not doing it for me and in general the game is just to repetitive for my tastes. The whole game is basically just going into dungeons and fighting stuff. But thats all really. Their is like nothing else. SO im getting bored but will try to finish it. Then its back to FF X-2

Oh while I was in columbus last week I picked up silent hill 1. Yeah the original for psone. Anyway a good indicator of how good a game is, is how much is costs used years after it came out. Well in General I have not been able to find it for cheaper than 25 bucks used! which is crazy for a game that is almost 7 years old and for a system that is last gen. SO that is a good indicator that the game is pretty solid. Well as I was saying I found it at an ebgames for 7 bucks! I grabbed the copy and did not let go till I had purchased it as well as the years insurance on the disc for the bargain price of 1 extra dollar. I would usually not do this but I have gotten burned on a # of used psone games so now the extra dollar is well worth it. Well anyway long story longer I guess Last night lisa and I finished it! In general its a short game. Took us 10.5 hours first time through but man it was a creepy spooky 10.5 hours. Their were a number of times when something happened in that game that made both lisa and I jump and even more times when I would just freeze to see if anything was going to just jump out and get me. SO the game was pretty awesome. Im still trying to figure out what order I would place them in since we have now played 1,2,4 and I need to get 3 now just to finish up the whole thing. Maybe I will go pick that up today I just dont know if I can handle all the creepy ya know. Anyway I need to get back to work.



Anonymous said...

no real comment - just wanted to say hello and let you know I've been reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

i'v been reading your blog, too, it's really good, no other comment

Anonymous said...

Hello, this is an exciting blog here!

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