Thursday, August 11, 2005

O - i - ' - T - s

Ok so last night I got started at about 7:30pm. Everything was going really well. I had all my backup plans in place and felt pretty good about the upgrade. Bill showed up about 8:10 and it was go time. I started working through the instructions for upgrade and things were going pretty well. I hit a snag here and there but I was able to push through them and figure out what needed to happen to make it work. I completed the whole upgrade process, which took 2 hours, and got to the final step. Let me go back a second. What I was doing was basically upgrading the operating system on a router which uses only flash memory for storage and nothing like a hard drive. SO its quite a bit different then say installing windows. Well I had the new IOS (internet operating system) installed and it was running smashingly. I was so excited! But it was kinda faking it. You see when you get to the point I was at then you have to delete all the old IOS files and get rid of them to make room for the new IOS image. SO I did that. Double checked all my boot parameters and proceeded to the last step which was to reload the router. I typed the command and then just about died. Cisco routers in general are pretty bomb proof and really wonderfull to work with. That being said they do have their moody moments and well I hit one last night. When I reloaded in that split second the router forget that I had put the IOS image on it and could not load. Imagine having a computer with a blank hard drive and no floppy drive, optical drive, or usb / firewire ports. What would you do? How would you repair it? SO after screwing around with it for like 15 min. I called tech support @ $250/hour (yikes) and after screwing around with it for another 30 min got the official "Man thats hosed" diagnoses. SO I started thinking and came up with an alternate plan that just might bring this little guy back to life but at that time it was 11pm and my idea would require another 2 maybe 3 hours of work minimum to get this thing back so we fell back to the redundant router and called it a night.

SO yeah that was my night. how was yours?


Anonymous said...

the sound of ultimate suffering was heard that night...

hang in there!

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