Ok so wow yeah things have been crazy busy for me and they are just getting crazzier (insert funny voice) Im sorry for anyone who is or has tried to reach me over aim in the last few days as I have not been around which is unusual for me. Im not ignoring you guys! Anyway to give you an idea of what my day was like yesterday....
got to work and instantly started to take calls. I had a number of places I needed to go to but just could not get out of the office so that really stunk. Ended up getting on the road at about 10:45 I then went to
1. Immaculate conception school -- to apply an Access List to help combat virus traffic.
2. Fairborn Jr High -- They have 3 T1's between their HS and jrHs and only 1 was working. But I was able to get them back up on all 3!!!
3. Trotwood Jr High -- Again another T1 problem they have 2 but one was running dirty. Ohhh its sooo dirty. Had a vendor meet with Verizon and isolated the problem and replaced some equipment.
4. Soita -- which is in franklin (I live in franklin!) so that was a nice place to end. They also had a t1 issue but it turned out to be a port issue. Swaped ports and did some voo doo config magic and BANG! it was a working.
So all in all I worked about 10 hours yesterday and drove over a 100 miles to get to these various venues. SOOO thats why I was not around.
Now today. today I have training all day then I come back to work tonight for quite a major project. The funny thing about this project is this, what I am going to do tonight I have never done before. What I am going to do will take our ENTIRE network down. That includes the 37 school districts, the 35+ non public schools and the 10+ community schools we service. Not just my office. If I get it right and everything goes well I will be a hero. why? because I will have saved our company around 5 grand in installation charges. Now what happens if it goes bad. hmm lets just say "career limiting event." So my maintanace window is theoretically 8pm to 10pm but I can go longer if I need to. I have my fall back plan already in place and I feel pretty good about it. Although to be honest just writting this up is making me super duper nervous. Oh well sometimes you have to just throw caution to the wind and hope that in the end you are as good as other people say you are!
Well thats pretty much it. Hopefully if a certain someone ,lisa, emails me pics of my bike ,lisa, then I will be able to post them today ,lisa, so if you want to see pics of my bike e-mail my wife lisa. I bet you thought I would put her address on here. Sorry but nope. Oh I did get to ride my bike into work today which means that between that and the likely hood of sara straitening her hair, it will pour down rain today.
Well thats all for now.