Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Yeah im here so keep your nick knacks on!

Ok yeah so I know I have not posted in a little bit, but im still not as bad as some people (coughlukecoughdennycough) so there. Well what has been up with me. Well a lot actually this past weekend we opened our house to what is now becoming an annual event which is The RP missions team leader training weekend. This is the 5th year that Lisa and I have opened our house up for this event and this was by far the largest turnout that we have had yet. At one point in time we had I think 22 people in our house and 18-19 spent the night on friday and saturday night. SO needless to say their were sleeping bags everywhere!!! It was a really good time and again Lisa and I are always Glad when the Lord give us the opportunity to use our house for him. Aside from preparing for that and getting the house ready for that we have also been preparing for the newest resident in the Knodel house and she arrived yesterday evening. Thats right Lisa's sister sara moved in with us last night and will be living with us for an undetermined amount of time. Were really excited to have here at home and pray that its a great experiance for her. Ok so thats life stuff what else. Oh yeah I have a request in for a new laptop!!! I have talked to a couple of people about it and until it gets the final approval im going to hold off on posting that much about it but I think it will be uber kewl and I have already come up with what I will name it if I get it -- Chiyo Chan -- SO if that works out then I will finnaly name my pc and give it the name of -- Sakaki San -- If you dont know what the significance of either of those names are I will give two clues. One they are from the same thing. two use google. Ok so hopefully I will get the approval on that and get to order it soon as my laptop is essentially worthless at the moment. what else is up oh yeah Saw the official Silent Hill Trailer the other day and WOW it looks like its capturing the spirit of the game in a great way so I am even more excited about april!!!!!! Oh and I was searching around the net some and found out they are also in pre-production for a fatal frame movie!!! Someone is paying attention! But for some reason us movie makers dont want to use Japanese actors for japanese roles. Think memoirs of a geisha which as I am reading had a mostly chinese cast and little japanese representation. Which is really dumb and reminds me of the old westerns where the indians were often whiter then the cowboys. Anyway guess I will end on a game update since I have not done one in awhile

Xbox 360
Still working on kameo (2 hours) and Perfect dark(2 hours) when I get time. I think we have played more hexic than either one of those games. I just need more time!!!

DOA3 and DOAU are taking up my time here but I have not touched either in a month

Xenosaga 2 owns me right now and Lisa and I are playing that to death. However its good but no where near the caliber of the first one. I really hope they go back to some of the earlier mechanics for the 3rd and final game in the series - clocked time 35 hours

still kinda fiddling with FFIX when I get the time however I just picked up Chrono Cross (brand new mind you) and so I think after xenosaga im going to try to get lisa interested in that one so that I can play through it in a shorter period of time then say a year.

made a huge breakthrough in Legend of Zelda and now I feel really dumb. Also somebody coughstevencoughdennycough has still never let me borrow one of a thousand pokemon games that he has. SO someday I might play one of them as well.

Ok so there ya go that was a pretty long post that summed up everything thats pretty much going on with me. SO hope everyone is doing well and I will post again this week I promise.



Anonymous said...

congrats on the new resident! and hope you get that top

Payton said...

He's alive!! He's alive! What's RP missions? I wish Sara the best and I hope that all goes well in the Knodel Three's Company. I do hope that you get that laptop. That would be cool.

Anonymous said...

Re; Hexic HD - Go for the black pearls, man!

Anonymous said...

a thousand? more like... ONE! Oh. And don't you still have MY super mario game??? eh? eh?