Friday, February 24, 2006

The downside of Funk

I think I am starting to feel the effects of the winter weather as it seems to not be able to make up its mind over if it should be warm (oh please please please stay warm) or if it should be frigidly cold. At least this winter was not as bad as last year and I think I shoveled my driveway maybe 2xs so thats not that bad. Im just totally ready for things to be warm again. I need this badly. Top 10 Reasons I strive for warmth:

1.) Possible beach vacation with my sweetie this year! If I ever get enough vacation time that is.

2.) Races are much more fun when its warm then when you are cold. Man I hope april is not cold

3.) Riding a motorcycle is more fun when its warm than when its cold

4.) I just enjoy being outside in general but not when its cold.

5.) I have a great pair of sandals that are just cyring out to me from my closet

6.) My tan is really fading and needs to be re-charged!

7.) Winter coats are bulky and just get in the way whenever you go some where

8.) My dogs are really really shaggy and need a haircut but If we get them one now they will freeze

9.) I want to get blizzards from dairy queen and not freeze to death while eating them

10.) and lastly Warm weather is the bomb bizzle.

SO there ya have it I think I have made a pretty good argument as to why it should instantly turn warm and no longer be cold. Oh well guess Im going to be waiting at least a few more weeks till we get a consistant warmup and hey think of me on april 8th as I jump out of the pool at around 8:15 am and hop on a bike soaking wet in what will probably be 40 degree weather!!!



Anonymous said...

Yeah no wonder you want to get a job as a net admin on one of the hawaiian islands... CA would do well with you too.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you got some warmth and sand in Arizona last month. It's hardly a beach vacation, but it was nice and sunny. And we got to see "Underworld Evolution!"

Payton said...

Here in NC, we haven't seen any snow this year. bummer. =( I miss not seeing it this year.