Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I thought humans could kill anything?

Isn't that right. Are we not the species to be feared by all other species? Are we not the ones who have hunted other species into extinction, who have tried to (and continue to) devise new more creative ways to annihilate our own species? Are we not the species who are more appropriately compared to a virus having the ability to take anything good in the world and either destroy it or turn it to crap? If so then let me pose a question that has seriously been on my mind for quite some time.

Why is hair so special?

Why is it that we can harness the power of atoms and make them do our bidding but we cant make hair grow? Now I realize making something grow is not always a very easy process but in Contrast why cant we kill the little buggers?


I feel unique to many people in that I am faced with both sides of this issue.

1.) I wish their were a way to make the hair on my head grow fuller and thicker and in general just to grow more.

2.) I wish for the hair on the rest of my body to sod off.

SO my life is like a comedy of errors with my leg hair mocking me and laughing at my scalp. (I used to be a competitive cyclist and after shaving my legs for like 8 years I cant go back)

SO again why is it that we have not yet solved one of these problems that plagues gajillions of people in the world? The solutions just are not there.

Ok For hair growth what do we have

Rogaine -- what a ripoff (no I have not tried it) Read the box closely any benefits you receive from using it will immediately disappear if you stop using it. And at 50 bucks a month, assuming I make it to at least 85 I could spend $34,800 over my lifetime to have a little bit more hair than I do right now.

next their is Propecia a little pill that promises miracles and delivers broken dreams. Again similar cost to rogaine.

Hair transplants. Yeah right like those come out looking good. Still they are $5-10,000 for one. And you may have to have it done again if it doesn't take.

Now for the inverse. What out there to get rid of hair

Shaving totally annoying and you almost always miss spots. Plus it only really feels good for like a day before the pricklies come back.

Nair type products Ok this crap flat out just does not do much. Also I find that if the cream does not irritate your skin the smell will certainly make you sick and that's pretty bad.

Wax a better solution that lasts longer but is really expensive and you still have to get it done like every month or so. Plus you have to go somewhere so its not that convenient.

electrolysis I have read this may be the best option but it is still quite expensive like $2-300 a session and it can take up to like 5 sessions before the hair stops coming back. And even then you have to follow up like once a year and be retreated. Again that's the rest of your life. How is that affordable and within reach of the everyday person? Its not!

SO what's my point? Call your congressman or write your senator and tell them that you want government money and research grants given to people who are willing to come up with a better way to kill / grow hair. Every year we waste billions of dollars on the dumbest grants (did you ever hear that a guy got govt money to study how fast ketchup moves? Its true) SO surely their is some money for the worthwhile cause of hair growth and removal.


Anonymous said...

My, until I read this I thought that I was one of the most bitter people on earth. Guess I have some competition!

Anonymous said...

'From there Elisha went to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said "go on up, you baldhead!" He turned round, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths. And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria.'

Anonymous said...

Two comments:

The hair problem will just get worse as you get older. I had almost zero body hair until i was 23. Now i am a blonde bear. I sometimes suspect that i don't realy have a hearing problem, it's just impossible for sound to penetrate the jungle that grows in my ear. But, somehow, i'm keeping what's on my head.

I notice all the disclaimers at the end of the hair-growth product commercials. "Some sexual side-effects" may occur. Imagine the irony for the guy who wants to grow hair so that he can feel attrractive to women.

Anonymous said...

If it ever does happen, don't count on being alive to see the results. After all, Jean Luc Piccard is, like, a dude from several hundred years in the future, and he was pretty bald. So maybe to help expedite things logically, you should see about the gov't funding teleportation and FTL travel, as I think those are going to have to happen first.