Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Ok most of you know that my ipod's little drive crashed about a month ago and I decided I would attempt the repair as the cost of the repair is around 200-250 with all the shipping. I got my drive today and thanks to the help of Josh Highlands blog I was able to succesfully yank the old drive and put the new one in. I ran apple updater and then reloaded all my tunes. took less than an hour and I am so jazzed! Its nice to have my little workout buddy back and its been a lonely time without it. SO for anyone out there with an ipod I am now qualified to do drive and battery replacements as I could have yanked the battery while I was in there but mine is running just fine.

In other news I did a swim workout today and I swear I felt like I was sinking the whole time. It amazing how much your attitude can effect a workout. I had so much against me today it was not funny. first up I was feeling really really tired. Second im feeling kinda stressed about a number of things so my mind was not in it. Third there is usually nobody but old slow people in the pool at the Y and that was not the case today. In lane 1 was a girl who has obviously done a lot of swimming. Her form was unreal. It was like she was hardly trying and yet she seemed like she was floating on top of the water and effortlessly gliding over it. then lane 2 was me. I felt like the only part of my body out of the water were my head and shoulders. And I felt slow next to her. Then in lane 3 was a guy I have seen around before. Im pretty sure he does Tri's as well and his form was not as good as lane 1 girl but he was still a lot faster than me. Had a much better stroke and a lot more power behind his stroke than I do. Sigh so on both sides of me I had people reminding me how slow I was which was yet another mental downer. SO I did my full workout. 200 - 400 - 200 but I felt like crap through the whole thing and couldnt wait to get out of the pool.

SO I had some bad and some good. I choose think about the good today.



Anonymous said...

Sorry you were disappointed about your swim. But it's probably good to be around people who are in shape, since it seems unlikely you'll be in a Tri with old, slow people. At least, I know I won't be competing.

Anonymous said...

Good luck. I am sure it will get better soon enough, now that the iPod is working. (Though I don't recommend taking that in the pool with you!)