Friday, March 31, 2006

1 week to go

Well its one week to go and I am not feeling as good about things with the Tri as I had hoped I would be at this point. SO I think my focus is shifting a little bit although im having problems getting my mind around the concept of "just doing it for fun and not caring about time" that just does not work for me. I mean I enjoy doing this type of thing but not really while its happening. Its like 5 min before the start or even the night before I feel like an idiot and resolve to not sign up for anything else again. Then as soon as I cross the line its like whens the next one. SO who knows. although I think I am going to still keep my original goal of 1 hour 20 min im becoming less confident that I can hit that. Here are my primary concerns

1. really bad swim workout today - just couldnt get breath cycle down - 400M felt really hard today.

2. I still have not ridden my bike more than just around the block. (this is really bad)

3. I never thought I was going to do anything sparktekular in the run to begin with and now its shaping up to be my strongest leg of the event. This does not make me happy since I anticipated it being my weakest section and I dont feel that I have made big improvements in the run.

4. transistions. WOW still have not practiced this but I need to.

I originally thought I would do a longer brick tommorow like a 10 mile bike and a 3 mile run. Now with the swim feeling worse im thinking I will bike to the Y (7miles) swim (8-1000M) then bike back (7 miles) That should be a pretty good workout if I can make it. Mostly dependant on the weather.

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Brief Update

Well Chris, Kerry and Jenny are up for the week and we are having a blast with them. That pretty much sums up whats going on. I have not had much time to train at all which is not good but thats life ya know. Also my hopes of an Ironman I fear are waning. I was diagnosed with excersice induced asthma a number of years ago but I can honestly say it has never been a real factor to me. However with my increased cardio load that I have been putting on myself I am really struggling to breath comfortably not only while working out but just in day to day life. Also I had my first non-excercise related asthma attack on monday. I woke up with a great deal of pain in my lungs and a feeling that I just could not get any air into my lungs. SO I have been to the doc and got a new inhaler. Hopefully that will help some although I need to get into the habit of using it more often. Even now Im feeling short of breath. SO April 8th is still on the horizon but I dont know whats going to happen with a longer distance. Death is not my ultimate goal in all this so just be thinking of me. I just pray that I can get this back under control.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

...and then I fell into Oblivion....

Well it happened this past sunday I got the automated call from gamestop that my pre-order of The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion would be in and ready for me to purchase on monday!!! I was soooo excited as this has been one of the biggest games I have been looking forward to for the xbox 360 and one of the big reasons I wanted to get a 360 in the first place. Unfortunately I have gotten this game during one of the worst weeks possible in that We are doing major "spring cleaning" and so most of my time is consumed by chores around the house. In fact I took a personal day off of work yesterday and spent most of the day cleaning and doing chores. This is how my week is pretty much going to look leading up to the weekend when Chris, Kerry, and Jenny!!! arrive. (side note. Chris you may want to extend your vacation b/c once you see oblivion well yeah your going to want to stick around longer! and kerry im sorry for whatever impulses chris leaves our house with ^_^ ) SO anyway I did get to play for a few hours tuesday morning and WOW thats all I can say. The intro is awesome. I started playing around 8 am and I did not finish the "intro" stuff till about 10. I then ran around a little bit and killed some wild dogs and started to make my way on my first quest. SO why did it take so long? whats so wow about it? If you care read on if you dont thanks for coming by and I will catch you next time.

Why the intro takes so long and the WOW factor.

First off let me say that I have NEVER played a game that gave you so much control over how your character physically looks. Im not talking armor, hairstyles or tatoos im talking full on control of how your character looks. Oblivion uses a series of slider bars to allow you to customize every feature of a persons face. I have to say that there are at least 30 aspects of the face you can change. That combined with the like 6-8 character classes and that each one can be either male or female and you can spend a TON of time creating your character. I spent probably a good I dunno 45 min on mine. I had a pretty specific idea of what I was going to pick and what she, yes she, would look like. I picked a female wood elf b/c I like elves and high elves are tooo pretentious and dark elves, well lets just face it dark elves just look mean all the time and are not very pretty so I chose a nice wood elf. My only complaint of a characteristic I could not change was the ears. I had a very specific Idea of how I wanted the ears to be and seeing as it was an elf ears play a big part in the appearance and that was not something that I could change. however im still not complaining b/c aside from all the physical facial changes that could be made you also can choose hair style and color. skin color, age, and complexion. SO there are a TON of ways to customize your character and I feel like oblivion has made good on the promises of fable in that I doubt you will find many people playing a character that looks like another one. Now if you dont want to spend the time you can take the defualt or you can hit the random button and it will randomly assign attributes and create a unique character. ITs soooo cool. I still think that I will probably grab a pic of myself and see if I can recreate myself into the game as a playable character. It seems very very possible to me. SO to anyone who says their are no next gen games on the 360 I say phooey! Oblivion is definitly where its at.

Now onto the WOW

Ok like I said I just got started but so far the intro sequence with the NPC's was fantastic and the first dungeon you crawl through it a ton of fun. In Morrowind you basically got dropped off in the middle of a town and pretty much everyone experianced the same feeling for the first 5 min or so which was. ummm like what am I supposed to like ummm do??? Oblivion is totally diff. You hit the ground running and within the first minutes you have a weapon and you are fighting your way through rats and goblins. Collecting items casting magic and in general having a great time. The environments are fantastic and the lighting is amazing. Im not sure yet but while I was underground I had to use a torch for light and since torches are consumable I think the light it provided slowly diminished as the torch was wearing out. However you dont really notice since its soooo gradual your eyes get used to the lesser level of light. SO cool! SO then I finally made it out of the intro dungeon and out into the real world and well it was the middle of the night and it was soo dark I could hardly see anything. It was really overcast so the moon and stars provided little light and I didnt really feel like using all my torches up so I decided to use the wait feature and basically rest till morning. Well I awoke at dusk and got to see a sun rise which was pretty awesome and then I saw something that was just plain cool. Deer. yup I know this should not be that big a deal but animals in games are almost always hostile or they dont care that you are there. Well these deer were not like killer demon deer. They were normal deer out in the morning grazing and when I crested the hill they became aware of me and instantly took off. I gave chase and for a minute or so just enjoyed running after the deer and no I had no intention of killing them. but like I said it was just cool to see passive life in the world that reacted to me being there. Now onto my new best friend -- Mr. Compass. Ahh one of my big complaints with morrowind was sometimes it was hard to know where you were going. However thanks to the addition of the compass as soon as I was out of the dungeon I knew where I was going thanks to a little pointer arrow that is helping me along my way. SO thats really cool. SO far all my major complaints against morrowind have been fixed and that is really cool. I totally cant wait to play this more and hope to get a little bit of time with it tonight maybe. Otherwise it could be saturday till I get a chance to play it and that would just suck. But hey once I get the house spotless I should have some more time. I will post more thoughts as I play through.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Ok most of you know that my ipod's little drive crashed about a month ago and I decided I would attempt the repair as the cost of the repair is around 200-250 with all the shipping. I got my drive today and thanks to the help of Josh Highlands blog I was able to succesfully yank the old drive and put the new one in. I ran apple updater and then reloaded all my tunes. took less than an hour and I am so jazzed! Its nice to have my little workout buddy back and its been a lonely time without it. SO for anyone out there with an ipod I am now qualified to do drive and battery replacements as I could have yanked the battery while I was in there but mine is running just fine.

In other news I did a swim workout today and I swear I felt like I was sinking the whole time. It amazing how much your attitude can effect a workout. I had so much against me today it was not funny. first up I was feeling really really tired. Second im feeling kinda stressed about a number of things so my mind was not in it. Third there is usually nobody but old slow people in the pool at the Y and that was not the case today. In lane 1 was a girl who has obviously done a lot of swimming. Her form was unreal. It was like she was hardly trying and yet she seemed like she was floating on top of the water and effortlessly gliding over it. then lane 2 was me. I felt like the only part of my body out of the water were my head and shoulders. And I felt slow next to her. Then in lane 3 was a guy I have seen around before. Im pretty sure he does Tri's as well and his form was not as good as lane 1 girl but he was still a lot faster than me. Had a much better stroke and a lot more power behind his stroke than I do. Sigh so on both sides of me I had people reminding me how slow I was which was yet another mental downer. SO I did my full workout. 200 - 400 - 200 but I felt like crap through the whole thing and couldnt wait to get out of the pool.

SO I had some bad and some good. I choose think about the good today.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Things that alter time? A little primer on Transitions

Ok so I think by now anyone who followes this blog knows that I am training for a Tri and yeah the amount that I am posting about it should be a pretty good indicator of how much time i am spending thinking and planning for it. Ya see I dont just want to finish. I want to race competitively. I feel that im in the shape right now that I could just do it today and finish in a somewhat respectible time. But like I said I dont want that. I want to win. Now im not dillusional and I dont think for a minute that I would actually win my age group although I would like a top 10 or even a top 5 finish. Just something I could be a little more proud of. SO that being said Im in talks with my sweetie about doing a half iron man in july. Yup their is one in Muncie Indiana which in case you were wondering is home to the national model aviation museum so I can tell from that its a happening town. SO the deal is to see how I fair in April before I commit to another race and thats fine with me. Its less than a month away now. SO to get back to the title of this post I have been spending a lot of time trying to figure out where I am at now in terms of how long it would take me to finish so that I can figure out what I need to do to make that time faster. Well so far I am only discovering things that are going to add time. The first one is the transitions. I totally forgot about these, probably b/c I dont like them! You see in a tri you have 5 total splits that factor into your time:

total swim time = time spent in pool
T1 = the first transition and the time it takes to get out of the pool and onto your bike
total bike time = time spent on the bike course
T2 = the second transition and is the time it takes to get off your bike and out to the run course
total run time = time spent on the run course.

Ya see most people dont realize that the clock never stops in a Tri. And you can lose a TON of time in the transitions. The first tri I did I was given the wrong start time and I showed up about 1/2 hour before the swim start! I had no time to prepare my transition area and b/c of that my T1 time was awefull as I was digging through my bag looking for shoes and sunglasses and things like that. Their is so much that goes into your transition plan and I really need to start practicing that as well. Im hoping for transition times under 2 min for both transitions. Ive been reading tips for how to make them go faster like dont plan on wearing socks b/c its hard to get socks on wet feet. Those are the type of things im evaluating to help make my transitions faster. but mostly I just need to practice. SO unfortunately what this means is optimistically I have just added another 4 minutes to my total time which may not seem like much but when you are thinking that you are around 1:18 min and want to go under 1:10 min and you realize you have to add 4 minutes to your total time it can be a bit of a downer.

SO other than that I have been playing pokemon fire red on the game boy thanks to steve. Its so nice to have the gameboy when lisa is doign something like beathing the final boss for xenosaga ep2 for like the 12th time and yeah im a little bored with that now so I can still snuggle up to her and play a game that I want to. SO thanks steve. Other than that last night I broke out morrowind and played it very briefly as I am anticipating oblivion. Cant wait! And we have started to play silent hill 2 again but we are starting with born from a wish which is a pretty good side story I think.

thats all for now

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

More adventures

Well their has come a point in my life where I have realized WOW when I have kids they are going to love me b/c I will try and in most cases succeed at fixing anything. I would say one of my strenghts as a person is spelling. HAH gotcha you thought I was serious oh man to see the look on your face! It was priceless. NE way seriously though I really am good at problem solving and figuring out solutions to problems as they present themselves. This is one thing that made me a fanstastic bicycle mechanic and which helps me as a net engineer. However I rarely get to use a hammer to solve a network issue and in the world of bicycle maintinence in salty florida a hammer is your best friend. SUBMIT SUBMIT!!!! sorry. again to get back on track I was just thinking about the work I am doing on my bike and how many people have no clue how to do that and then I was thinking about the fact that I am going to attempt my own Ipod repair. The drive has been ordered and I intend to crack the case on my ipod and replace the drive. Most sane people wouldnt even consider the thought of doing that yet I feel I have a roughly 95% chance of success in this repair. I guess im either really good or really stupid. I guess its just kind of weird as you get older to look at the skillsets you have and how broad they may or may not have become. SO that was my introspective moment for the day! woot.

Training update. I have litterally gone insane in that I now think its a good idea to wake up between 6-6:10am instead of 6:50 so that I have time to swim in the morning before work. Why would I want to do this??? B/c it will free up my afternoon workout to be better split between cardio and weights. I have seriously lost my grip on reality. In short training is going well. I need to get my bike done. I need to spend time in the saddle and not on a excersize bike but the real thing. I need to get my aero tuck down and efficiant. At least its not a long race so I can stand being uncomfortable for 30 min if it makes me go faster.

Now if you have been paying attention at all you will notice I have not mentioned anything about the run. I have been running a lot over the winter and I am really worried about the run. I feel its my weakest segment of this tri and I still have a really bad taste in my mouth about running and over training in running. SO I have to balance my fear of injury with the reality that I need to spend some time actually running not just on an elliptical machine but time on the track.

Game update:
Lisa and I are still working on finishing xenosaga. We beat the game a long time ago but now we are trying to finish the game. SO what we are working on right now is stealing a rare item from the final boss (when you beat the game you get to go back to the point right before you beat the boss and save). we need to do it about 14 more times in order to complete a certain quest. SO that kinda sucks and takes about a 1/2 hour each time. The good side is we are getting really good at it so hopefully as our characters level and what not it will go faster.

I cant wait for Elder scrolls Oblivion! That game is going to be so awesome!!!

Aside from that I have more games to play than time to play them so it should be a good summer even though thats a usual drought in games.

Well thats all for now.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

BOOO to barnes and nobles and starbucks!

Ok so lisa needed to do some work tonight and as we still have no internet in the house we were forced to go out looking for a network to hop onto. First we headed to borders where we discovered they were closed b/c they were in the process of moving. Next we went to Barnes & Nobles where we discovered that you had to pay to hop onto their wlan. BOOOOO!!! I was also able to pick up the signal from the nearby starbucks where I discovered again you had to pay to use their net. BOOOOOOO! SO now we are at panera sipping coffee and using their free wlan. Its also doubly good b/c they have two great big comfy chairs by a gas fireplace so we are all nice and taosty warm. SO thats cool and this is a first for me as I have never gone somewhere and used a computer totally wireless. SO again I love my new little chiyo chan SHE ROCKS!!! Well thats all for now oh yeah wait I swam this morning and did a 8 min 20 sec for the 400 which means im getting faster after only 3 workouts! I really feel like im settling into a rythm faster and not struggling to breath as much. Well thats all for now.


Friday, March 03, 2006

Its not about the bike

Ok kudos to anyone who can figure out where my title came from!

Anyway as the title says this post is not the promised upgrading the bike post as I have yet to recieve any of the goodies I ordered earlier in the week but I am hopefull that when I get home tonight there will be a nice box from nashbar and then my new adventure will begin. SO since im not talking about that heres a quick rundown of what I have done training wise this week:

1.Swam 100, 400, 100
2. workedout with lisa did some lifting to help repair those muscles and then did maybe 20 min of cardio

30 min on the bike followed directly by 5 min cool down on the tread mill. This was my first mini-brick and im glad I am doing them

35 min on the elliptical machine. It was a great workout

1. Swim 100, 400, 100 I timed my 400 and was shocked at my time 8 min 50 seconds!!!!!!! This kills my 16 min projected time and I know feel good about doing the swim in under 10 min since my second time out I beat it by over a minute! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!!

2. Out with lisa again. Lifted and did around 25 min of cardio between the treadmill and the ellip.

30 on the bike and another 5min on the tread mill makes brick #2 I think this is going to be awesome for my transisitons and I might even write into a tri mag offering it as a tip because its so easy to do.

SO thats how training is going. I really feel great and I feel like im really doing things smart for a change. Most of what I am doing is zero impact on my body so besides some sore muscles which really are not that bad im virtually in no discomfort at all which is a really nice change for me.

Game updates:
Elder scrolls 4 has gone gold and will be in my hands on march 21st!!!!!!!!!! Im sooo excited I cant wait.

Other than that things are going. I have had a crazy day and a crazy week at work and the only reason I am writting this now is becuase I really do need a break and a chance for my mind to recover from the "chicken with its head cut off" state that I have been in this morning. SO thats about it for me for now.
