Tuesday, January 17, 2006

yes I am alive

Ok I know it has been like forever since I last posted. What like 2 weeks or so??? But things have been pretty crazy for me. I had a project at work that was asked of me and well yeah its nothing that I have ever done before so I had to spend quite a bit of time in research and then learning that most of my research really didnt do anything for me and in the end I just had to figure my way through it. But my deadline was last friday and yeah at about 3:40pm I finished up what I was trying to do. And GASP it all worked so boo yah. Anyway Saturday was spent packing and cleaning and Sunday the whole gang flew out to Arizona. We got to see Sara quite a bit on Sunday afternoon early evening and then went back to our apartment which I must say is really really nice. Then yesterday we got started at the center. SO far I am really impressed by this place and really really happy that Sara came here. Everything is Christ Centered here and a large majority of their model for recovery is trusting in God at the core and relying on God for strength and not your eating disorder. I wondered a lot about what this week would be like if it would be a lot of screaming and crying a lot of blame shifting but its not. Its been so educational to me so far and I have to say I have learned a lot about myself and its helping me to realize some of the missing components that I have over looked in my own life. SO its really awesome. Its not about blame here and its not about pointing fingers. Its about taking ownership for what you have done and forgetting abougt the things you had no control over and I think thats really great. SO I have to go as we are getting ready to leave for day 2 but I just wanted y'all to know that things are going in my opinion really well and Oh yeah Sara is looking really good as well. Take care



Anonymous said...

This sounds like a "retreat" to me; I've been on a few, but there were people who spoiled them with beer and drugs, me included. You are right to admit one's failures and mistakes- in most cases- but not necessarily on your job.
Good for you you made it through your research.
I take it Sara is Sara Baker; and you know Darren and Amy.
Lastly, I'm so glad to read about God here, and that you write about God, because lately I'm finding out that several of my friends think God is just a concept. I disagree (he's a spirit then, give him or her no name then) because whomever I have prayed to all of my life has always helped me. Go Chris!

Payton said...

I wish you all the best, enjoy yourselves as much as possible and have a safe return home. =)