Friday, August 18, 2006

And they are outta here!

Cabs are out pics to come. Its kinda funny when you walk into your living room and it looks like your kitchen and your kitchen looks very very empty. I still dont know whats happening in terms of which cabs get replaced or not but I hope to know soon. Also Im starting to get some info on the flooring and im very very hopefull that sometime next week (earlier than later) I will get a check from state farm so that I can get my floor back.

Oh I know I have not mentioned this in awhile but yes I am still training albeit not like I would prefer. Consistency is the key and lately I have been sporadic at best. I workout maybe 3-4 xs a week instead of a solid 6 with a rest day. This might not sound so bad but I really feel like im just maintaining my current level of fitness and not increasing at all and well yeah I have this little race coming up in a month that is 26.2 miles long and I dont feel ready for it. The farthest I have run so far is 10.5 and that was last saturday. Im hoping to do 11 or 12 tommorow and then 14-15 next sat. After that if I could pull off an 18 miler that would be really quite wonderfull. than I could start tapering down to lead up to the big day. If I can pull 18 then I will feel pretty good about the marathon. Otherwise im going to be pretty nervous. SO thats just one more chapter in what many people think of as "The book of stupid things Chris does."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a sequel called "The Book of Smart Things Chris Does"? There could be a photo of your wedding to Lisa on the cover. And somewhere in the future, a subsequent edition will have a pic of you winning the Tour de France on the cover - steroid free!