Well the guys from servicemaster came yesterday to help me evaluate whether or not I was going to need to file a claim with state farm. HA HA HA after being there for literally 5 min they said - "File you claim." I was like seriously????? And he replied Our job is going to cost around 2,000 just to dry everything out and that doesnt include fixing or replacing anything. SO let me give you a quick rundown of what all is ruined.
-- Carpet -- most of it has been cut out already -- eeekk
-- baseboards
-- my walls up to about 8" high in the low spots and 3-4' in the high spots
-- my kitchen cabinets
Whats still on the iffy list
-- all my vinyl.
SO whats happening now? The cleanup crew left 7 industrial fans and 2 very large dehumidifiers to help dry out my walls and see how much they can salvage. They come back today to take some more readings and I think they will know if the vinyle is gone today. SO big day for the house!! he he anyway thats whats up with me.