Thursday, December 15, 2005

Todays entry brought to you in part by the number...

Yup thats right 25. I just called Gamestop and thats where I stand on the xbox 360 pre-order list. 25 its a long ways down and the sales guy said "sorry but I really doubt we will get to you before christmas." Which kinda sucks but hey those are the breaks right. SO ebay seems totally off and me getting one probably still wont happen for quite some time. As of now my store has gotten 12 total units since the 22. 10 for launch and a second shipment of a whopping 2. With the big 300,000 shipment this weekend I think my store might see 10 again but even if they got 20 which is a huge stretch it still wouldnt matter. After this shipment I think its back to 2-4 every other week or so. SO yeah it bites. I think I will still keep looking around at other places to get one since it could be mid to end of january before I would ever see my pre-order filled. Seeing as it has taken almost a month to knock the list down a whopping 12 spaces.


Anonymous said...

Do I detect a note of bitterness in your voice?

Anonymous said...

Here's the irony...

You put in a pre-order for me. But then I cancelled that pre-order so I could save money. So then you decided you would use it. Then the 360 launches in Japan, and even yesterday I could find them in stores. (I saw a big pile at Bic Camera in Shibuya yesterday.) So I see them everywhere, and yet I can't really get one right now.

I guess (for me) it's just as well - since there really aren't any titles out that I "need". I may as well wait anyway. But man, this will be my first time not getting a system at launch in a LONG time - not to mention the first time I haven't purchased a Ridge Racer game at launch! @____@