Monday, December 05, 2005

Dang that hurt!

Ok so wow as some of you already no I got hit with the insanely cruel stomach virus that has been going around these parts last week. What was really weird was I felt great on monday and had a really good run but nothing could prepare me for how I would feel tuesday when I woke up. I wont go into all the wonderfull details but I felt as if I was being constantly punched in the stomach for about 3 days. Tuesday I didnt eat anything at all and I drank about half a glass of 7-up. Wed I was feeling a little bit better and ate a hot dog and some other stuff. Thursday again felt like crap. Ate next to nothing if anything and tried to drink a lot of fluids b/c I was getting dehydrated. Friday was feeling better didnt eat anything till the evening which was a mistake. I was feeling good and steak and shake really appealed to me. Well it tasted good but It was too soon. Saturday I literally ate 3 wendys chicken nuggets. I couldnt finish a $.99 5 piece on my own! Sunday I ate my other 2 nuggets and another hot dog. sO now we are at monday and im feeling better but I am still really really weak from lack of food so I really need to try and eat something today. SO thanks to everyone who prayed for me to feel better.

Well I still have no xbox 360 so that is something that I dont have to worry about and other than that on the gaming front my recent sickness provided me with gobs and gobs of time to start and almost finish Jade Empire which so far has been pretty cool. will write more later but I have some stuff I need to do for now.



Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better, but hurry up and play God of War. It is teh roXor.

Anonymous said...

I finished Fable the other day. Not to bad. A little easy. I've got your hat. Brought it yesterday but obviously you weren't there. Hope you feel better man.

Anonymous said...

It seems that I posted less than 60 seconds after Jason did. lol

Payton said...

Feel better. I'm glad to hear that you're back to work but you've got to eat something.

Anonymous said...

Dang! Too many illnesses going around.

Sorry you've been feeling so poorly.