Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A new dillema

Ok I know I said that I didnt think I would update again till after thanksgiving but hey X-mas comes early this year what can I say! Ok so if you have been following my site you know a couple of things.

1.) I am getting an X360
2.) Their is a high probability I will have it before x-mas

This has now presented me with a new dillema. Do I keep it or do I sell it on e-bay and then buy one perhaps in march when the market is more normalized??? Heres my quandry if you will. Right now I have the big bundle on reserve and that costs 400+ tax = 426 which will be my cost. Right now your going uh huh get to the point ok spunk monkey keep ya knick knacks on. If you go to ebay and check the current prices of x360's the average price they are going for today is $1050.00+ 40 for shipping. Thats close to a $600 dollar profit for not doing anything at all and would more than cover the cost of a new 360 + an extra controller and a few games from my new pal darren (thanks buddy!) Now my mind is moving on to even more enterprising ideas. right now the hype on e-bay is initial launch hype which I would expect to go down. But my friends we live in a land of stupid adults. Adults who are at the mercy of their children and who feel they have one shot each year to appease the little devils just a little bit and that day is x-mas. SO my point is if a x360 will sell for 1050-1200 today what will it sell for the week before x-mas when they are no where to be found???? Most major game stores are already saying if you dont have a pre-order dont even ask until feb. In fact gamestop is now taking pre-orders again for x360 with a ship date of feb 28th!!! The quantities are that limited. I cant even imagine how much they will be going for the week before x-mas but I have to think it will be in the range of $1500-2000 and that people will be fighting for them like moms were fighting for cabbage patch dolls back in the 80's. SO like I said my dillema. Should I get it and hold out on e-bay to see what the prices are like and then sell it if I can clear $600-1000+ or do I embrace the next gen technology and bask in the fact that I have something cool before so many other peopl do. Its a tough call for sure but I gotta tell you I think I might reserve a ps3 right now just thinking about whats happening now.



Anonymous said...

and they call ME delusional!

Anonymous said...

Well, if that's the worst dilemma you ever face in life, you should die a happy man.
However - and I quote - "spunk monkey keep ya knick knacks on." Little white boys can't carry that one off!

Anonymous said...

It's all about whether or not you think you can wait to play one until next year. There is little to no doubt that you should be able to get at least some kind of profit off your 360 if you can sell it before X-mas. But as to how much profit you will get, that is anyone's guess. As such, I wouldn't base the condition of selling it on ebay on whether or not you should expect to make at least $600 in profit, but moreover as to whether or not having it sooner or having it later and making some extra scratch on the side is your primary goal.
Also, that doesn't seem to be a very morally correct thing to do. Sure, this is just an Xbox 360, but exploiting the whole supply and demand thing is the kind of thing people get righteously angered over in regards to things like food, water, electricity, gasoline and other "essentials". Just because the 360 is not an essential doesn't mean that the same principle isn't being followed.
Anyway, food for thought.

Anonymous said...

I have to honestly disagree with Jason. As he said the Xbox 360 is not an essential. Therefore in my mind it is perfectly all right to sell it for a profit. If you've got something that you're willing to give up and that someone else is willing to buy, and they name they're own price then I think it is perfectly legit to sell it. And honestly Chris... I think I would. I agree with Jason in that it all comes down to whether waiting about three months to play your 360 is worth 600 dollars or so. Tough call! lol

Anonymous said...

Stephen said, "If you've got something that you're willing to give up and that someone else is willing to buy, and they name they're own price then I think it is perfectly legit to sell it."
Well, Chris, I think we can agree that someone we both know felt that way, too. And look where it got him. Not comparing X-box sales to that, but it does make you think.

Anonymous said...

Stephen... As I mentioned, it's all about the notion of exploiting supply and demand. It's not as if they are setting their own price, anyway, because if they did, they would probably just pay the SRP, and not almost twice what it goes for on the street. They are paying what it takes to get it, and just because they will pay what they have to does not mean that exploitation has not occurred.

Payton said...

Chris...Sell it for the highest amount you can (if Lisa doesn't mind)!! I don't subscribe to the socialistic mind set that equates high profits with low morality. This is not exploitation, it's good business. I would do the same.

Anonymous said...

I don't subscribe to it either. I am merely saying that I don't think it is something that Jesus would do - a measuring rod by which I don't compare myself, given that I am not a Christian.

Payton said...
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Payton said...

We'll have to agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...



Ignoring all that messiah stuff that tied up either the last, or last 3, years of his life, i'm guessing that the 1st 30 years he was a good little capitalist and charged what the market would bear for his carpentry skills.

I have a somewhat twisted view of this matter... It isn't totally consisitant with some of my other views, so i'm still working on resolving that. But insummary, it can be boiled down to:

You are doing the world a service by taking away all the money you can from someone who has that much disposable income. :-).

As to WWJD, i've always found that question a bit bizarre when posed by the folks who think of him as some kind of God-like being. If JC was really God in any meaningful definition of that term, expecting a non-God entity to emulate his behavior would be like putting me ona basketball court and telling me to guid my actions by pondering "What would Wilt Chamberlain do?" My conclusion would be that in that situation Wilt would take a look in mirror, see my short frame standing there, and realize that what he would do in that situation won't map real well to my short ass.

Payton said...

I was thinking the same thing...Christ was a capitalist.