Tuesday, July 22, 2008

sup sup

Ok so I know that I am not a great blogger but oh well sue me. SO what have I been up to you might ask???? WEll since you asked here is the return of the long missed Chris "Sparky" Knodel bulleted list!!!!

oi nutter - thats all I can say. I am slammed, perhaps bammed, but there has been no thank you ma'am. I am in effect drowning in work. Most of which requires me to break things that can only be broken off hours which means in light of all that will follow (keep reading) I am having major schedule issues. Oh happy day!

oi nutter - again all I can say. Here is whats on our plate right now. Kaiya is still in therapy twice a week. Lisa is getting more night meetings as her schools construction projects take shape and well that just seems to be more the nature of her job. I know its not quite once a week yet but its starting to feel that way. Kaiya is in swim lessons on mon and wed night and thats fun but just adds more to the mix. And finally a sign went in our front yard yesterday proclaiming to the world that our house is officially for sale. It makes me sad. I like this house. Oh well lets here it for stupied attachments to innanimate objects.

Im starting to feel like I cant call myself a triathlete anymore. I feel like you have to race or ride your bike to be able to make that claim and so far I have done neither. I was exclusivly riding the mtn bike to get ready for my race this saturday which I was totally looking forward too. Oh did I mention it got cancelled? SO MAD. neway so no more races on the horizon. I think im going to sign up for the Air Force Marathon again. Almost just so that I have a longish race this year. Although I have to tell you a marathon doesnt even seem that long anymore. Im in a swimming stroke class and thats going well. Im debating on joining a masters swim team this fall/winter and trying to convince lisa that she should join with me. I think that would be a lot of fun.

Lisa and I finished up Silent Hill Origins which was really freaky cool. It totally played like a port from a handheld (which it was) but it was still good none-the-less. Now we are playing Lost Odyssey. Giddy squeel of school girl delight its soo pretty and so far the story has some pretty good depth. Also lisa is digging on it which means we actually get to play it. Just picked up lego indiana jones so we will probably hit that when losy odyssey completes.

Im inserting a seperate column. The last few months - like since january really have been pretty rough for me. My doctor was trying something new in my thyroid treatment which was the addition of another med. Over the past few months it served to only do 2 things for me. 1 - caused me to gain quite a bit of weight (15lbs) annnnnndddd 2 - caused me to be, in general, a jerk to be around. So after some consulting with my doctor:

me: this sucks what should I do
doc: lets add another med (which would make 3 total)
me: how bout I say screw this new one im on and go back to the way things were before.
doc:well.....or you could stop taking med 2 and start taking med 3
me: orrrrrrr I could go off #2 say whatever to #3 and just go back to the way I was.
doc: hmmm ok we can try that I guess.
me: :-)

SO after a nightmarish 2 weeks of hell on earth that was weening and withdrawel of med #2 I am feeling a lot better. I think I have mellowed quite a bit and dont quite feel like I want to rip someones throat out and shove it down their neck everytime they ask for something. ^_^

so thats me.



Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad that God doesn't let you know about all this complicated "life stuff" in advance? Hang in there, little trooper.

And you speak about ripping people's heads off as though that were a bad thing. The world might be a better place with a few more spontaneous decapitations.

Anonymous said...

Chris, so sorry to hear that life has been so hard: work, meds, schedules; exercise;etc. where are you moving to? MUM

Anonymous said...

Yo Chris: Yur wee blog is like a good-news-bad-news joke, without the fearst parrrt (as the Scots would say it)! And then your audience comments ... What's this about "little trooper?" What's with that??? From a lady who harbors skunks!!! Or am I exaggerating, speaking of a plurality?

Yur mom and I feel like the "little camper," who, returning from his summer sojourn found that his parents had moved house without telling him! Here we are, an ocean away, and find out our children are selling their house and moving -- by happening upon their BLOG SITE!!!!

We hope you will post your new address on your blog, and not leave us going house to house in Southwestern Ohio, trying to locate OUR wee GRAND DAUGHTER, KAIYA!

Ahhh. Such is the state of 21st Century, post modern family relationships. :)

Only Yur Biological Father
Suffering DEPRIVATION in Scotland ...
(hint/prompt: Richard E. Knodel, Jr.)

PS. Yur a classic. Thanks for the excitement!

Payton said...

Sorry to hear all that's been going on with you. I know how it feels, just hang it there and it'll get better.

Stephen said...

Just as a reminder... Android Hell is a real place where you will be sent at the first sign of defiance!!

Payton said...

Update once in a while. Your fan base wants to know what's going on.