Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Some movie reivews

Well lisa and I go through periods where we rent a bunch of movies and then basically we stop for a few months and then go back and watch the stuff we have missed. Its a nice little system that I think works well for us! SO anyway we have been watching quite a few movies lately and despite the fact that I have enjoyed most of them I typically see no reason to post my thoughts on any of them. Well I have two that I would like to discuss this morning. One because it was so good I just have to give props to it and another that was so bad it must be punished!!!

First up Alien Vs. Predator - Requiem

Im almost speechless at how bad this movie was. To date I have seen all the predator movies (more than once) and all the alien movies (more than once) so I feel I have a pretty good grip on both franchises. However This movie decided that even though it was "supposedly" building on all that came before it was going to throw the baby out with the bath water and do whatever the heck they wanted to with the characters. In fact in what was supposed to be one of the more dramatic moments that tugged on your heartstrings (the whole down being blown off the map) I broke out in laughter at the absurdety of the whole thing. The characters were flat and had allusions to back stories that were never developed. The predator that was supposed to act as a galactic clean up man was in effect easily distracted by shiny metal objects and did a crappy job of what he was sent to do. The ultimate weapon /warrior of the movie - the alien predator hybrid of whom im still trying to figure out came into existance (this makes no sense people!!!) was no more effective than a regular standalone predator or alien and therefore was really quite pointless except that some writter some where was like "hey wouldnt it be cool if we crossed and alien WITH a predator!!! that would be flippin sweet!!!!" Finally the ending was about as random as you can get. First we get the few survivors not being quarantined but being helped out as if they were just some hikers lost in the woods and then in one of the greatest whiplash moments ever recorded in movie history we are taken to a scene in some obscure office that is quite possibly the biggest rip on the x-files ever with one exception. The x-files was confusing but made sense, This scene was just random and confusing and left both lisa and me with are jaws dropping going "the heck was that about????" The only redeeming thing I can say about the movie is that in the end it did stop and that is a good thing.

I give it -4 out of 5 sparks

Next up Appleseed - Ex Machina

Ok I hope you are still reading b/c this movie is a must see. Yes its anime and I realize that a lot of people think that anything that is not live action is for kids. Ok yes disney movies are for kids. But that does not mean anime is. Anime is totally different and this particular anime is FREAKING AWESOME. I am going to be quite a bit more brief about this movie vs the one above as I dont want to spoil anything. However I will say this. Its gorgeous absolutly gorgeous. The characters are so well done and the action sequences are some of the most intense and well done that I have seen in a long time. There were several scenes that reminded me a bit of the first matrix - you know the one that didnt suck - but they were even more intense and more well done. Ah the beauty of anime. The only other thing I can say is this. I had a friend over to watch it last week and I told laura that we were going to watch it. I said you should watch it but you wont b/c its animated. But if you gave it a chance you will like it. She looked at the box smiled and bailed. SO I watched it with my friend Robb and we were both just blown away. SO much that I decided to watch it again on saturday during a prolonged car trip. no I was not driving. Well laura was in the van as well and out of boredom and nothing else to entertain her picked up the headphones and watched it. final verdict. She loved it too. What else can I say. Oh yeah I think im going to buy it as well as the 2004 appleseed movie.

I give it 4 out of 5 sparks ****

quick bullet - time - updates

Job - sucks
Lisa - rocks
Kaiya - rocks but is teething and that is really really pitifull
gaming - still working on Eternal Sonata but closing in on the end.
training - adequate. Im teaching spinning and a boot camp aerobics class now! no races on the hoizon

thats about it


Anonymous said...

You have lost touch with the true value of a movie like AVP-R, .... get as much money out of people as possible!

Payton said...

The Predator movies have gone down hill after the first one. Does Karl still have that Predator post I gave him?

Anonymous said...

movie "reivews;" First time I've seen you misspell: REVIEWS