Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Disaster Averted

Well we got some really crappy news on friday night. Skybus tanked. Why did that suck for us? Did I own 50% share in the company and therefore lost millions???? Did I show up for work at columbus airport only to find my company was closed and my job vapor? No nothing drastically severe like that. However I did have my 4 round trip plane tickets become vapor in the space of a few hours and a couple of PR crafted e-mails. what really sucks is that our vacation is supposed to be next week and so getting notified that your airline tanked a week before you were set to leave totally bites. SO Lisa and I talked about it and talked and decided we were not going to go. That the cost of new tickets would be prohibitive as we are trying to pay some stuff off. However on Sunday night we were both still pretty bummed about not going on vacation anymore and we talked again and decided to bite the bullet and just go. I think we both need this week off a lot and with no other means of rest on the horizon this week had become very important to both of us. SO the good news is we are still going to Daytona. The bad news is - its costing us a whole lot more than we had planned. But in the grand scheme mental health is worth more than what those tix cost us so I think we made the right call. SO vacation is back on!

SO that means that in 5 days I will be at the beach with my babies and they will both be in bikinis and I will be very very happy.



Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the trip. Get some sun. Have a cool drink. Send postcards to the family.

Payton said...

Have fun and come back feeling refreshed. Bummer about Skybus going out of business.