Friday, March 07, 2008

Portal is the ROCKAGE!

Ok so I was talking to a couple of friends and had mentioned letting them borrow the orange box but before I could let it go for a small period of time I had to give portal a try. I have to say that this little concept game is one of the best games I have played in years. The aperture portal gun is simply brilliant and the physics behind the game are flawless. Any game that takes you a good couple of levels to really get your mind around what the heck you are actually doing, and not because of poor design, but because the concept is so new and fresh, is just so awesome. The levels are so well done and they scale in difficulty brilliantly. By the last couple of levels I could come up with a concept of what I would have to do pretty quickly but then the idea of "how the heck am I gonna pull that off" comes into play and makes each level a great challenge. I think whats also great about portal is that although it is totally linear, b/c of the portal system many levels have a number of different ways of reaching the goal. After beating Portal I went online and started to watch vids of how other people played levels and was really surprised at how different they were from my experience. Some did better others did worse but we all got through it. Other areas of note. The narration makes the game what it is. I wont go into too much details but this game has replaced my all time favorite line from a video game. Before this it was from the second nights of the old republic. There is a scene where you meet a new jedi named jolie and in the course of the conversation you have the option of saying "I hate you old man" to him. That used to be my favorite line. Now replaced with "oh come on we had fun didnt we? Like that time you thought I was going to murder you in the fire - that was fun right?"

SO anyway if you have a 360 you need to buy the orange box. Not only is it the best deal in video game history - 5 games for $60 bucks but it includes portal. Did I mention portal rocks. If you dont feel like you can put out the coin for the game then at least go rent it. Portal takes about 4-5 hours on your first play through so its easy to get through with a rental.

BTW -- Portal rocks!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A) Why did you have this game for a while and NOT play PORTAL first?
B) It is also out for the PS3.
C) The cake is a lie.