Monday, September 12, 2005

Were Back!

Well in short Lisa and I are back. We got back without incident on saturday and in general had a good time. I think I am going to over the next few days give a wrap up of each day of our vacation so that all you funky folk can get a taste of what we did. SO here goes

September 3rd.

Ok yes we got up at the Butt Crack of dawn. Actually I think it was before the butt crack of dawn b/c it was 3:50am and wow that sucked. Oh and what time did we go to bed the night before??? about 12:30 am. SO as you can see we did not get much sleep that night. SO our flight was supposed to leave about 5:45am and we got to the airport aruond 4:45am, Thanks Paul for driving us! We were flying Air Tran which I have not flown on in awhile and well let me tell you I really like them now. In almost all of their planes they have XM radio available in every seat which kicks major music booty. SO for the flight to Atlanta I kicked it on XM channel 81 BPM and was very very happy. SO we touch down in Atlanta and have typically had to sprint from one concourse to another to make out connection b/c our flights have almost always been late. Not with Air Tran. We were right on time and had our full 50 min to leisurly walk from one concourse to the next. We checked in at our gate. Waited about 10 min and walked on the plane. Sheer flying bliss! The plane from ATL to FLL did not have XM so that was a downer but hey I had my ipod so no foul right! SO we touch down in FLL and we are on schedule its about 9:30 am now and we are both feeling pretty good. Next came picking up the rental car. WOW it was in a entirely different building then the airport and we had to take a bus to get there. Then once their it took about an hour to get our car and get on our way! Thats waaaayyy to frickin long. Why did it take so long???? B/c the counter agent kept trying to scare me into buying Alamo's car insurance. "the roads here are very dangerous, lots of old people and teenagers" I really thought he was going to tell me that I would be involved in an accident this week and that if I didnt buy their insurance I would die a horrible fiery death. In any event I kept saying no and we proceeded to "pick out" our car. Yes in the weirdest rental I have ever done they have all their cars in the garage with the keys in them. You go to the class that you paid for and then pick out your car. WE had 3 choices. Silver chevy cavalier, red cavalier, gold sunfire. Lisa said she wanted the red cavalier so thats what we took. And away we went! SO next we started our three hour drive to orlando! WOW it was a lot of traveling that day. SO we got about half way their and we both started to crash big time. SO we stopped and had some lunch and got a shot of caffeine which helped me finish the drive. SO we arrive in Orlando and go to the (not so) welcome center and get all our vouchers and crap and their we get bad news #1. Our Timeshare speel is going to be sunday at 12:30pm. DOH! SO we were not happy about that but were like ok fine. SO then we went and checked in and went up to our room which was still being prepped by housekeeping. SO we waited for like 10 minutes and then the chick was gone and working in another room so I went and asked if she was done in our room. And in very broken english she said "uh yeah" SO we went in and I said he its nice out lets go to the pool and lisa said hey im freaking exhausted lets take a nap and then go to the pool and I said ok that works. 1.5 hours later we wake up and guess what? Hellacious thunderstorm is going on outside so no sitting by the pool soaking up the sun : ( Oh well we got adventurous and put on our anoraks and walked around the area a bit in the rain. Saw a lot of really cheap souveniers and a bunch of really awefull t-shirts like "keep laughing this is your girlfriends shirt" or FBI Female Breast Inspector. Ahhh Florida is so classy! SO after that we got some dinner and pretty much chilled in the room and recovered from the day of traveling. And so ends Day #1. Oh as a side note the hotel was ok but in many ways it was a dump. For example their was this really large picture in our bathroom (who puts pictures in bathrooms?) and it was too big for the wall it was on. Like it hung off the edge of the wall by like 2" SO im like hmmm thats odd so I lift the pic up and WOW huge hole in the wall behind it. SO again classy!

Well thats it for day 1



Anonymous said...

Air Tran has XM???

comair shamair

Anonymous said...

Walls can have holes???

Anonymous said...

You said, "Butt crack." tee hee hee