Monday, August 08, 2005


Ok so if I have not told you already that Oi'ts is my new word. Thats right I invented it and its like saying Oi' but with some spunk. SO the the next time you feel like saying Oh Crap or awww shizzle say Oi'ts instead. Its dramatically more efficient. ^_^ SO why am I telling you about my new word? Why did I feel the need to invent said word??? I will tell you!!!(!! those last two were for you hannah ^_^) Becuase I am dreadfully busy at work lately and have been saying Oi'ts quite a bit lately. So that is a good indicator of a busy life. The need to invent a quicker way to say Oh crap b/c oh crap takes just to long to say. SO on to whats up with me

Work continues to be a sore spot for me. People are coming back to school earlier than I had anticiapated and that is making my life a nightmare. Well it would not be that bad except the other tech in my department has been out sick for like the last 3 weeks and our wonderfull doctors cant figure out whats wrong with her. Although despite the fact that her primary symptoms are:

1. numbness in the right side of her body
2. Incredibly painfull headache that has not stopped once in three weeks.

The Doctors are certain that the large brain cyst (guess) / tumor (possible) has absolutely nothing to do with her HEADaches or body numbness. No they are ignoring that large roadside like sign that points a big arrow at her brain with a caption that says "HERES THE PROBLEM" in favor of ignoring her and going on vacation. Seriously thats what her neurologist did. Oi'ts!

So since we lost our intern and now her most of the work is falling on me and well yeah I already had quite enough to do. That coupled with the fact that if our receptionist is sick or has to leave the office for anything I become the temp receptionist well yeah I think you are seeing why I feel like those little chipmunks in the commercials. ^_^

SO thats work -- yuck!

On to my life........hmm j/k ok so I was supposed to work on Saturday really big project but I had to scrub it. I just was not ready for it and its on the caliber of "career limiting" should I botch it so yeah I scrubbed it and instead spent the day working on my motorbike ITS DONE!!!!! pics to follow soon! I promise. I also played a lot of FF X which I will not bore anyone with the details but I am maybe 2 hours from the end if I can stop dying that is. Lisa and I did something out of the norm and went to blockbuster and rented a couple of movies. first up was hitch. WOW that movie is really good. If your looking for a good romantic comedy / date movie this is my top pic right now. Its very well done and its just very very funny. The next one we got is one I think everyone in the country should be forced to sit and watch. Supersize me by morgan spurlock. OMG that movie was amazing. I swear after it was over I never wanted to eat fast food again. I had no idea how he went about doing his experiment which if you dont know he spent 30 days eating only mcdonalds food to see what the effect was. Well he really did it well. He had 3 different doctors monitoring him as well as a nutritionist analyzing his meals and telling him what he was feeding his body. SO it was much more scientific that I thought it would be. I just pictured a guy eating tons of fried food and then having the runs or something but he blew away the doctors who said the only thing they thought they would see was elevated cholesterol. Im not going to give away all the stuff he goes through b/c that would ruin the movie but like I said everyone should watch it. Yes its that good. Well I have ranted for long enough and I have too much to do to so I will say



Anonymous said...

#1 - If you're thinking a swear word, and you want to say a swear word, then say a swear word. I'll be cool with you and not raz you too much on it, as you alreayd know how I feel on the subject. I think once I ever start posting again I will make a topic on that very subject.

#2 If you like Supersize Me, then you need to see his show called 30 Days. Same kind of stuff, only with different "specs" per episode. Really enlightening and a lot of fun.

#3 Though I liked the movie a lot, I would not swear off fast food just because of the movie. If he ate only bread and water for the same amount of time for every meal, it would also have adverse effects on his system. True, it's not the same thing, as pure bread and water have less "bad stuff" going on in them than your average Big Mac and fries, but I think you get my point. The fact that he rarely ate that kind of food and then switched overnight to only that kind of food had a tremendous shock to his system. And some guy in Japan did something similar where he only ate sushi for 30 days, and he got pretty suck from that as well.

#4 I hope work goes well for you. I know how it can be, and my recent batch of late nights and whatnot has been pretty taxing. I feel ya, man.

Ruki said...

#1 we have been over this before and when im saying oh crap im not thinking oh sh*t im thinking oh crap. Also my point was not that Oi'ts was a replacment for oh Sh*t its that its faster than oh crap so it saves me time.

#2 I have heard of this show from my friend Jeff and if I had cable I do believe that I would watch it.

#3 I did not say I was swearing off fast food. Im just thinking twice about it. If you watched the bonus feature "smoking fry" that had more impact on me than most of the movie. and thats why I doubt I will ever eat mc donalds frys again. I realize excess of anything is crap however he had an entire menu to choose from and while he could have burned throug the menu in the first 5 days or whatever and then ate salads and drank water for the rest of the time he didnt and chose to be like america. And yes I think the first day was the obvious shock to the system but I think he really demonstrated how much "junk" is in junk food.

#4 Thanks for the encouragement. At least im lucky enough to have everything that I can try to work on shut down at 4pm. Although it makes it hard to feel like you can invest some extra time to catch up since like I said everything shuts down at 4pm.

Payton said...

#1 - Oi'ts?!? How is that pronounced?

#2 - I need to see that movie. He should do a sequel im which he eats nothing but wholistic food for 30 days.

#3 - I was thinking about watching that movie. Maybe I should see it before it leaves the second run showing.

#4 - Why are we all numbering our responses?

Anonymous said...

#1 - My "you" in the first remark was the plural "you" and not singular. I said I wasn't going to raz you, and that was singular. I'm not getting on your case, but you must admit that when people say "fudge" instead of "f*ck", that it's a weak "masking" of their intent.

#3 - No need to get defensive, man. I said I wouldn't swear off fast food. I moreso went into detail about the shock on his system, rather than the solely the bad contents of his food. But I do think that the overall shock to his system would take more than one or two days.

#5 He had several points, and I addressed them systematically.